The Edison phonograph monthly (Mar 1903-Feb 1904)

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EDISON Phonograph Monthly PUBLISHED FOR TRADE USE ONLY BY THE NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO. VOL. 1. NEW YORK, NOVEMBER, J903. No The National Phonograph Co., ORANGE, N. J. NEW YORK : 83 CHAMBERS STREET. CHICAGO : 304 WABASH AVENUE. SAN FRANCISCO : 933 MARKET STREET. ANTWERP : 32 REMPART SAINT GEORGES. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. All communications to The Phonograph Monthly should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 83 Chambers Street, New York. A^ N (rood Records and Others i Advance List of December Records 2 Special Advance List of British and FrenchCanadian Records 3 British and French-Canadian Records 4 Keep Sending Agreements 5 Phonograph Art Calendar 5 Changes in Accessories Catalogue 6 ' ' Comments " for Trade Use 6 Frames for Record Bulletins 6 Phonographs for Lodges 7 Increase in Advertising Rates 7 Pays to Carry a Full Line 8 Get After the Y. M. C. A.'s 8 Stock Up for Holidays 8 Retained Phonograph Literature 8 Trade Literature and Advertising 9 Edison's Latest 9 The Phonograph's Description of Itself ... 9 Among the Jobbers 9 Printed Matter 10 Business Keeps Coming 11 Comments on December Records 11 Little Talk About a Talking Machine. ... 13 November Advertising 14 Dealers' Comparison of Two Kinds of Literature 14 Best Selling Records 15 To Determine a Speed of 160 Revolutions. 15 Suspended List 16 GOOD RECORDS AND OTHERS. As every one in the Phonograph ta-ade knows the announcement made by this company a month ago to the effect that no change would be made in the price of Edison Phonographs and Records was due to the fact that another company had cut the price of its records to twenty-five cents each. So far as action on the part of this company is concerned, no further statement was necessary. It has always been our policy to attend strictly to our own business and pay no attention to that of others. The world is wide and there is room for us all, whether makers of good or inferior products. All kinds have their uses. Continuing this policy, we should not dignify the company in question by referring to its official confirmation of the price at which its records have sold for a long time. But our trade is writing on the subject, and in order to avoid a lot of correspondence, we must ask the indulgence of our friends in departing from our policy and publishing this article. There is no likelihood of our making a reduction in the price of Records, nor is there any need of such a step. The manufacturers of the cheap record referred to were compelled to announce a lower price for it because unable to successfully compete with the Edison Record. The acknowledged superiority of the Edison Gold Moulded Record had brought its business to a point where it was compelled to sell at a lower price or cease the manufacture of cylindrical records altogether. The manufacturers alone are the only ones in the entire talking machine trade of this or any other country who will deny this. The same superiority of our Records which brought about this condition will enable us to continue to get fifty cents each for them. The gold moulded process by which Edison Records are made is employed only by us and the results secured by its use are attained by no other (Continued on page 4.) THE ADVANCE UST OF DECEMBER RECORDS APPEARS ON PAGE 2. SPECIAL ADVANCE LIST OF BRITISH AND FRENCH=CANAD1AN SELECTIONS APPEARS ON PAGE 3. ORDER FROM THEM.