The Edison phonograph monthly (Mar 1906-Feb 1907)

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24 EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY. What the "Other Fellow" Is Accomplishing LANGUAGE STUDY IN CHICAGO. Lyon & Healy Doing a Big Business With the Course Directed by the Internationa! Cor-, respondence Schools. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) L. L. Lewis, representing the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa., is in charge of a special branch in the retail department of Lyon & Healy's devoted to the exploitation of language teaching through the medium of the talking machine. It is said that so far Lyon & Healy have disposed of over 300 outfits, mostly to the better class of customers, the facilities offered by the talking machine plan for studying at odd hours appealing directly to the busy man of affairs. All told, the International Correspondence Schools have disposed of 20,000 outfits, valued at $1,000,000. I.C.S. LANGUAGE SYSTEM PHONOGRAPH Another story of a "dealer who has tried it." And a prominent firm in Atlanta is going to open a regular school of language study with the aid of our phonograph system. They are waking up all along the line to the possibilities of the language feature of the business. How about YOU? Do you realize what I. C. S. Language Outfits will do for YOUR business? Do you know that with these outfits you can reach a class of trade that would not think of using a phonograph for ordinary purposes, that you can reach those people who have become tired of their phonographs as an amusement fad, and that you can quickly interest your regular customers in this PROFITABLE use for the phonograph? "Dealers who have tried it" have increased their business from 10 to 30 per cent, and more. Don't be slow. Get into the game and get YOUR share of this trade. Write TODAY for further particulars. International Correspondence Schools Box 920, SCRANTON, PA.