The Edison phonograph monthly (Mar 1906-Feb 1907)

Record Details:

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EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY. NEW EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS. ADVANCE LIST FOR FEBRUARY, 1907. RECORDS listed below will be shipped from Orange in time to reach all Jobbers in the United States and Canada before January 28th, all things being favorable, but they must not be placed on sale by Jobbers or leave their places of business, or be reshipped to Dealers before 8 A.M. on January 28th. Supplements, Phonograms and Bulletins will be shipped with Records. These may be distributed to Dealers after January 20th, but must not be circulated among the public before January 28th. Jobbers are required to place orders for Febuary Records on or before December 10th. Dealers should place January orders with Jobbers before December 1 0th to insure prompt and complete shipment when Jobbers' stock is received. 9458 A Garden Matinee (Friml) A delightful Entr' Acte Edison Concert Band 9459 When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley (Solman) Harry MacDonough A song that you'll like the very first time you hear it. By the writers of "In the Valley Where the Blue Birds Sing" 9460 Kentucky Babe (Geibel) Vassar Girls Quartette A pleasing selection by a quartette of female voices 9461 Lustspeil Overture (Keler-Bela) Edison Symphony Orchestra One of those pieces that, always makes a fine record 9462 A Lemon in the Garden of Love (Carle) Billy Murray The biggest song hit in Richard Carle's "The Spring Chicken" 9463 Good-a-Bye John ! (Herbert) Collins and Harlan A comic Italian dialect selection sung by Montgomery and Stone in "The Red Mill" 9464 Fancy Little Nancy (Baines) A serio-comic song Ada Jones 9465 Regimental Pride March (Heed) Edison Military Band One of the best marches that we have recorded in some time 9466 Uncle Josh in a Chinese Laundry (Rube) Andrew Keefe It's the same old, but ever funny, story 9467 Looking this Way (Van De Venter) Miss Hinkle and Miss Keyes Sacred selection by soprano and contralto 9468 Good Bye, Sweet Maryland (Rosenfeld) James F. Harrison A beautiful descriptive ballad 9469 Little Nell (Pryor) Albert Benzler As a bells solo Arthur Pryor's tuneful and swingy song and dance makes a fine number 9470 Night Time (Cohan) J. W. Myers A big hit in Geo. M. Cohan's "The Governor's Son" 9471 Whistle It (Herbert) Miss Trix and Messrs. Meeker and Murray The great comic trio from "The Red Mill" 9472 And a Little Child Shall Lead Them (Harris) Byron G. Harlan Chas. K. Harris' latest ballad 9473 Cherry— Intermezzo (Albert) Edison Concert Band This instrumental selection is given out by its publishers as their "follow up" number to "Iola" 9474 Alice Where Art Thou Going? (Gumble) Billy Murray and Chorus This song is already very popular. It's popularity as a record will be even more so. The Edison Quartette sings with Mr. Murray in the choruses 9475 Cherry Hill Jerry (Original) Ada Jones and Len Spencer A typical East Side character sketch. The song "Cherry Hill Jerry" (Lowitz) is sung by Miss Jones 9476 Somebody's Waiting for You (Gumble) A new waltz song Harry Anthony 9477 Ave Maria (Gounod) A solo for 'cello accompanied by piano Hans Kronold 9478 Because You're You (Herbert) Miss Hinkle and Mr. MacDonough The repeatedly encored soprano and tenor duet from "The Red Mill" 9479 I'm Going Right Back to Chicago (Van Alstyne) Arthur Collins A lively coon song by Williams and Van Alstyne 9480 A Flower from Home Sweet Home (Schmid) Edison Male Quartette A beautiful sentimental ballad 9481 Arrah Wanna Medley (Original) Edison Military Band Includes three song hits: "Arrah Wanna" (No. 9447), "Bonnie Jean" (No. 9454), and "When 'Tommy Atkins' Marries 'Dolly Gray'" (No. 9451) Edison Gold Moulded Records are made only in Standard Size. Both Standard and Concert Records may be ordered from this list. Order by number, not title. If Concert Records are wanted, give the number and letter C.