The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1908)

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Edison Phonograph Monthly, Sept., 1908 s ell in g th e Goo ds ADVERTISING: most ne — One of the most glected branches of important and often one of a dealer's business. the Here is a time for every Edison Dealer to create considerable excitement. Never before has such a double attraction been offered to the trade as the Taft and Bryan Records for the regular Edison Phonograph and the new Amberol Records which play more than four minutes, or twice as long as the old Records. These two features should keep your store busy for the next six months. Up till Election Day the Taft and Bryan Records will be big sellers. After Election, whichever candidate is elected, you will have a line of Records made by the President of the United States, something that has never been done before by any Phonograph Company. Taking up first the Taft and Bryan Records: Keep these in your window with appropriate cards. Keep them ready to demonstrate on the Phonograph. Advertise them in the newspapers, using our ready-made ads. It is only by advertising that you can get all the sales out of these Taft and Bryan Records that are possible. The newspapers are helping you. The free advertising given to the Taft and Bryan Records would cost us at least fifty thousand dollars if we had to pay for it. The fact that newspapers consider the making of Records by Taft and Bryan of such importance that they give it space in their telegraph matter, upon their editorial page, in their local news column and in their cartoons, is sufficient proof that the people in your town are interested in these Records and will buy them if you give them the chance. Use newspaper space now, if you never did before, to tell people about the Taft and Bryan Records. You will find suggestions through this number of the Phonograph Monthly — readymade ads, window cards, window displays and other suggestions — which will help you turn these Records into dollars. The day after Election Day should be your big day. As soon as the winner is announced, put a good picture of him in everv window that yo'1 have, with a big pile of his Records in front, with a placard saying something like this: "Records made by the President of the United States for sale here — 35 cents." While your entire town is interested in the results of election you should have a chance of disposing of a large number of Records made by the winning candidate. Meanwhile, as if the Taft and Bryan Records were not enough, you will soon have the Amberol Records, Mr. Edison's greatest achievement of recent years. The only criticism ever made upon the old Edison Record was that it was too short. There was not enough of a good thing. By careful experimenting Mr. Edison has found a composition upon which he can write twice as fine and, therefore, get twice as much music upon the same size of record as before. This, in brief, is the new Amberol Record, a Record which will play between four and fourand-a-half minutes, making it possible to use music that we could not use before without cutting, making it possible to use the Records for dancing, and adding a great deal to their enjoyment and amusement. In addition to this, the new composition makes the music clearer and better, giving a finer reproduction. Your fall advertising campaign, in addition to the Taft and Bryan Records, should be based upon Amberol Records. Elsewhere in this paper we explain about the Records, the attachments and other things. This department wants to impress on you that no good thing ever comes to the dealer who hides his light under a bushel. We know you have a good thing in the Amberol Records. We know that this is going to be the biggest winner in the Phonograph business this season. It is up to you to get your share. Advertise the Amberol Records as soon as you get them ; explain how easily the new attachments can be put on old machines; advertise the new machines