The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1909)

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Edison Phonograph Monthly, Jan. , 1909 15 IMPORTANT. If all the terms, conditions and stipulations contained in this proposition are not fully agreed to and carried out by the Dealer, we reserve the right to reject any and all Records he may return. If, after acceptance of Records by this company, Dealers fail to purchase (as provided in paragraph five) the required quantity of Records in exchange for the number credited, this company will not be responsible for the return of Records against which no purchases were made, and Dealers will forfeit all claim thereto. Legal and Agreement Departments Bulletin, No. 4, Dec. 20, 1908 'Trade Information for Dealers All correspondence concerning this bulletin should mention its number and be addressed to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, LEGAL DEPARTMENT, Orange, N. J. The National Phonograph Company has put into effect a system of special licenses suspending the price restrictions heretofore imposed upon the sale of second hand or obsolete Edison Phonographs which have been out of the factory for not less than one year. Application blanks, to be filled out with the data necessary to identify the Phonograph and its equipment, will be sent to Jobbers and Dealers on request, and when the blank is returned properly filled out, and the necessary conditions are found to be complied with, a special license will be issued which, however, will go into effect only when the label on which it is printed has been securely pasted to the cabinet of the Phonograph. These licenses will be numbered in rotation, and complete records thereof will be kept. The provisions of the Jobbers' and Dealers' Agreements, with the exceptions of the restrictions of the selling price which will be suspended by the special license, will remain in force. The Company reserves the right to cancel any such special license at any time. The special license will terminate on the violation of any of its provisions or its erasure or removal from the cabinet of the Phonograph, and, upon its termination or cancellation, all the restrictions of the original agreements will again go into effect. It is particularly to be noted that no license will be granted to display or advertise any Edison Phonographs at less than list price, and any such display or advertisement will be a violation of the special license. This plan, we believe, will offer a reasonable solution of one of the difficulties at present existing in the trade, and, without affecting the sales of new machines, ought to enable Jobbers and Dealers to satisfactorily dispose of their second-hand stock. At any rate, we propose to give the scheme a fair trial, reserving to ourselves the right to terminate the special licenses at any time, in case circumstances arise which in our judgment call for such action. Suspended List, Dec. 20 \ 1908 SUPERSEDING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS This list is supplemental to the Suspended Lists which appeared in the June, 1908, and succeeding issues of the Edison Phonograph Monthly. These are still in force and must be given the consideration bv the Trade as if reprinted in full herewith. CAL., Redlands — -The Deming Music Co. IND., Garrett— C. M. Parker. MASS., Hudson — E. A. Hayden. Hudson Fruit Co. (G. B. Clark, Mgr.) MINN., Austin— M. J. Keenan. MO., Gentry — Enoch Liggett. NEW YORK, Hornell — Joseph Koskie. New York City — D. G. Hall. D. F. Higgins. M. "Wechsler. OHIO, Fremont — J. H. Bihl. OKLA., Okmulgee — Oliver Drug Co. (J. R. Oliver, Prop.) UATH, Moroni — A. Anderson. A. J. Arnoldson. CANADA, Toronto — Toronto Phono. Co. REINSTATED. COLO., Rocky Ford — C. E. Bolton Music Co. MO., Sedalia — S. R. Payne. Jobbers and Dealers are asked not to supply any of the above named firms with our apparatus, at addresses given or any other address. A line that is not advertised may be as good as one that is — but who knows it? Cash Discount The letter printed below was issued for the purpose of calling the attention of the trade to that section of the Agreement covering terms of payments by Dealers to Jobbers. Copies were mailed to all Dealers. To the Trade. Dec. 15, 1908. Several complaints have recently been made regarding Dealers arbitrarily deducting items of cash discounts to which they were not entitled, and when the matter was called to the Dealers' attention they appeared to feel that they were being harshly dealt with. It would seem advisable at this time to call the Jobbers' attention to Article No. 3, appearing in Jobbers' Agreement, relating to terms to Dealers, which should be rigidly enforced. For the information of Dealers, we would respectfully draw their attention to the Article relating to terms which we quote: Terms. "Net, 30 days from date of invoice, or a cash discount of Two per cent, on settlements made as follows: On purchases made from the first day to and including the fifteenth day of the month if paid in full on or before the twentieth day of the same month ; and on purchases made after the fifteenth, to and including the last day of the month if paid in full on or before the fifth day of the following month. Delivery: F. O. B. Orange, N. J., on goods ordered from National Phonograph Co. ; F. O. B. City in which Jobber is located on goods ordered from Jobber." This paragraph we believe is sufficiently clear, and we consider any other terms quoted or allowed, a violation of our Agreements signed by Jobber and Dealer.