The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1910)

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14 Edison Phonograph Monthly, June, 1910 Talking Machine Jobber's Convention Mr. J. C. Roush, the enterprising Secretary of the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers, has been arousing the interest of the members in the coming convention by means of a series of exceptionally stimulating letters, the effect of which can not fail to be manifested in a recordbreaking attendance. The program of the Convention and details in respect to recommendations, etc., follows : PROGRAM Fourth Annual Convention of the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers. ATLANTIC CITY, JULY 5th TO 9th. 1910. Headquarters will be at the Chalfonte. Special rates have been arranged which will greatly modify the usual charges. Unusual arrangements have been made with the management^ of the Hotel to provide every accommodation for the convenience and pleasure of the Association. Rooms, single and en suite, are reserved on one floor adjoining each other, so that the Association members will be grouped together and spared the annoyance of going from floor to floor. A certain section of the Dining Room will be at the individual disposal of the Association. Music, special attendants, including our own corps of waiters, bell boys and other attendants have been proffered. With a further addition of every assured courtesy, the Association members are guaranteed something very unusual. Each member will have the ENTIRE FREEDOM of Atlantic City and can govern his movements to suit his individual taste. The main features of the entertainment are enough to occupy the entire time, but any one wishing to deviate in any particular, by reason of friends, acquaintances or special desires on his part, can do so ad libitum. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, JULY 5th. Personally conducted tour of the board-walk and general features of the beach, immediatelv after breakfast until 11 A. M. Bathing, 11 A. M. Luncheon. Association Meet, 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. Dinner, 6 P. M. Dancing, 9 to 11 P. M., on Amusement Pier. Old ATienna, 11 P. M. to 6 A. M. Edison Record No. 9780. SECOND DAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6th. After breakfast, sail on the Inlet. Bathing, 11 A. M. Luncheon. Association Meet, 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. Dinner, 6 P. M. Personally conducted tour of Young's Pier and inspection of the Wireless< Station. Numerous side attractions have been arranged for, allowing an assortment for selection that will meet any taste. 10 P. M., Special Sea-Shore Dinner with elaborate musical program. Old Vienna until the wee sma' hours. THIRD DAY, THURSDAY JULY 7th. 9 A. M., Ball Game between the Eastern and Western Jobbers at Atlantic City Ball Park. Umpires, Messrs. Dolbeer and Geissler. Bathing, 11 A. M. Luncheon. Association Open Meeting, 2:30 P. M. Reading of special papers prepared by Association members and experts from the various Talking Machine factories. 5 P. M., English Afternoon Tea with light luncheon. 7:30 P. M., Banquet at the Shelburne "Rose Room," specially decorated for the occasion, with elaborate menu and select musical program. Guests of honor: Frank Dyer, President, and C. H. Wilson, General Manager, of the National Phonograph Co.; Emil Berliner of Montreal, Inventor of the Disc Machine; Eldndge R. Johnson, Inventor of the Victor Talking Machine and President of the Victor Company, and Edward Lyman Bill, Editor of the Talking Machine World. FOURTH DAY, FRIDAY, JULY 8th. The Association members will board the 9:30 A. M. train, arriving in Camden about 45 minutes later As guests of the Victor Talking Machine Co., the Association will visit the factory. After visiting this plant, luncheon will be served on the Roof Garden of the Hotel Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia. An interval will elapse before dinner, which will allow members to "see" Philadelphia. After dinner, members are invited to join representatives of the Victor Talking Machine Co. in attending a theatrical entertainment, following which supper will be provided at one of the leading Cafes. FIFTH DAY, SATURDAY, JULY 9th. Specially arranged meet and visit at the Edison Factory, Orange, N. J., a short run from Philadelphia. The officers and department heads of the National Phonograph Co. will show the Association their usual handsome attention, which will include ample provision for the entertainment and pleasure of all in Orange. The details of the entertainment will be announced later.