The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1910)

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14 Edison Phonograph Monthly, Oct., 1910 Amberol Record by Sara Bernhardt 35011 Les Bouffons-"La Brise" Conte (Zamacoii) In French Sara Bernhardt LIST: U. S., $1.50; CANADA. $2.00 We are proud to offer this month another Record by the "Queen of Tragedy," Sara Bernhardt. In bringing Madame Bernhardt to the hearthstones of our patrons we feel that we are demonstrating one of the greatest achievements of the Edison Phonograph. Even if Madame Bernhardt has drunk deep of the Fountain of Youth, the day must come when she would be naught but a tradition were it not for Thomas A. Edison. In securing examples of the charm of her voice and the "bright intelligence of her diction," we are laying up treasures not only for our friends of to-day, but for the generations of the distant future. Madame Bernhardt is one of the great ones of the world as well as of the stage. Her personality is so winning that had she lived in the time of Cleopatra that lady would have had a most formidable rival for the affections of Ceasar. Madame Bernhardt's admirers (and whom do they not include?) have now another chance to enjoy her melodious voice and the wonderful resources of her art. Edison Amberol Records for December, 1910 LIST: U. S., 50c; CANADA, 65c 560 Bells of Christmas Edison Concert Band and Chorus Our annual Christmas number. A glorious hymn of jubilation heralding the birth of the Infant Saviour here arranged for band and quartet. The selection is in three verses. The rendition is interspersed with solos, and the arrangement is both novel and attractive, the band alternating with the quartet which sings with band accompaniment The merry pealing of chimes and bells throughout the rendition imparts a delightful Christmas flavor to the selection and adds greatly to the effect. A Record which will sell not only at Yuletide but every day of the year. Words, Birdie Bell; music, I. H. Meredith; publishers, TullarMeredith Company, New York City. 561 Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer Marie Narelle Soprano solo. This beautiful song, one of the best known and beloved in the English language, was the principal number of the opera, "Lurline," written by the celebrated composer, Wm. Vincent Wallace and produced for the first time at Covent Garden, Feb. 23, 1860. Miss Narelle has easily met the exacting demands of this selection, her lovely voice of wide register and velvet quality combining with an infinite charm of expression and a finished vocal style to offer a really superb interpretation. This is by long odds the most notable contribution to the Edison catalog thus far made by this renowned artist, who is under exclusive contract to sing for Edison Records only. Orchestra accompaniment. 562 Valley Flower Frederic H. Potter & Chorus The phenomenal popularity of "Red Wing" (Amberol No. 541, Standard No. 9622) bids fair to be repeated in this Indian love song which possesses in a marked degree all the characteristics of a popular song of that type. The wooing of the chieftain's daughter is told in attractive verse set to an unusually "swingy" air, and Mr. Potter sings the number most pleasingly, assisted by a well-balanced male quartet. The rendition is illuminated by clever effects. Orchestra accompaniment. Words and music, Kerry Mills; publisher, F. A. Mills, New York City. 563 Uncle Josh's Rheumatism Cal Stewart Back again after a prolonged siege of "roomatics," our old friend "Uncle Josh" tells in convulsing detail the effects of the many remedies prescribed for him by well meaning but misguided friends — and physicians ! Despite their remedies his leg persisted in "flopping raound an' kickin' folks" until he cured it by some radical home treatment. His description of the treatment he received from each of the various branches of the medical profession, — homeopath, alopath and osteopath — is a "scream." His opinion of the curative powers of each is expressed by him in the significant phrase, "All paths lead to the grave !" 564 The Mocking Bird — Fantasia Charles Daab Xylophone solo. It is safe to say that there is not a xylophone artist before the public to-day who can offer so brilliant an interpretation of this difficult fantasia as does Mr. Daab. His masterly playing of the selection is a splendid exhibition of skill, while the wonderful naturalness of the reproduction is an enviable compliment to Edison Records. The popularity of Mir. Daab's Records sustains our judgment in securing his exclusive services. Orchestra accompaniment. Composer, Winner-Stobbe; publisher, Carl Fischer, New York City. {Always specify on your orders whether vou want Amberol or Standard Records.)