The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1912)

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^/Te EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1912 PAGE ] 'AGE Edison Street-car Cards 2 6000 Miles to Edison Jobber . 10 Another Innovation 3 They're True Blue — Let Display Record Return Guide for November 4 No. 25 Tell the News 11 Reading Notice for December Sapphire Speakers Not Exchange Record List 4 able .... 11 Selling by the Gasoline Route 5 Amberola III Makes Hit 12 Showing the Goods 6 New Edison Record* 13 Among the Jobbers Did You See It? . 6 6 Foreign Records for November 19 Mr. Edison's First Time Card 7 Rapke Has Blue Amberol Labels 19 Same Store Re-visited . 7 Price of Model " N " Speaker Re Edison Artists 8 duced ..... 19 Marguerite Sylva Scores 9 No Diamond Speaker on "Gem" 19 Harry Anthony's Engagements 9 Amberol No. 1001 19 Help Us Announce Them to the Jobbers of Edison Phonographs and World . . 10 Records ..... 20 Edison Street-car Cards THE value of street-car advertising is being more generally realized by the selling public than has ever been the case before. The amount of advertising done in this form is steadily increasing and the increase is prompted by the excellent results gained through this medium. Small wonder that street-car advertising has brought good results when you think of the thousands and thousands of people who travel daily upon the street cars of ttiis country. The figures for the large cities are staggering — those for the small cities and towns are surprising. We want you to tell the street-car riders in your town or city about f$ie Edison line. We are going to prepare a series of street-car cards tefling about Edison products. The first, as you see, is an announcement of the Blue Amberol Record, others will state the important points in connection with our various lines. This first card, though somewhat in the nature of an experiment, is very attractive and those which are to come will be even more so. The space below "Come in and Hear it" is mortised for your name and address. We will do the imprinting at our expense — the only cost to you will be the transportation charges. These cards are to be ordered directly from the Advertising Department. Every Dealer who lives in a town which boasts a street-car line — or has one that it does not boast — Ought to give this new offer a thorough try-out. The enormous increase in street-car advertising and the fact that old established concerns have Mr. EDISON has invented a new CYLINDER RECORD -it is called CShe Blue Amberol Come in and Hear it been using this medium for years prove beyond question that it pays. The great thing about the car card is the fact that it confronts the same people day after day. Thousands of people ride to business every day and the car card tells them your story twice a day — that is what counts. You need not expect a man to see the card for the first time and dash madly to your store to buy an Edison. The important thing is the impression which he will get from continually seeing the Edison before him. He will unconsciously regard the Edison as standard and when the subject of purchasing a Phonograph is brought up in the family circle his choice will be the Edison. It is the long, steady pounding, the constant repetition, that makes the lasting impression. Then there is the Holiday traffic to be considered. The cars will be crowded with shoppers many of whom will be eager for a suggestion as to some gift — they will be in a receptive mood. How many times is the question asked — "What shall Wc give so-and-so?" That is the great problem for shoppers and you can answer it most effectively through the medium of the car card, for you will talk to them just when they are on their way to do their shopping and the suggestion in many cases will strike home. But the biggest factor to be considered is the daily traveller. Begin to tell him your story now. How many of these cards will you use? Remember that the imprinting is done at our expense.