The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1912)

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12 EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY FOR NOV., 1912 Amberola HI Makes Hit WE have been receiving complimentary letters from delighted purchasers of the Amberola III, among them the following from C. M. Hill, of Pearl River, N. Y.: u I have always admired the sweetness of tone of your Phonographs and I have had a Standard a long time. I recently purchased an Amberola III, and I must say that it is the clearest and sweetest sounding instrument I ever heard. Mr. Edison certainly leads all others for the good qualities of sound reproducing instruments ." TT7HEN a man is so ** pleased with the Amberola III, that he writes such a letter spontaneously it shows beyond question that the machine is all and more than we claimed it to be. Get a good supply of these latest Edison machines in stock for the holidays— they are quick sellers. List Price $125 in the United States; $150 in Canada