The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1912)

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EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY FOR NOV., 1912 17 1562 The Land of Golden Dreams (E. F. Dusenberry) Elsie Baker and James F. Harrison Contralto and baritone, orchestra accompaniment But few will listen to the quiet melody of this song without Harrison, whose contralto and baritone voices harmonize so wanting to hear it again. Although not religious in theme, beautifully as to make the Record one of rare interest to all, the music has the rhythm and harmony very suggestive of a whether they be lovers of sacred or secular music. Words, sacred anthem It is rendered by Elsie Baker and James F. C. M. Denison; publishers, F. B. Haviland Pub. Co., N*. Y. 1565 \ Want to Love You While the Music's Playing {George Botsford) Heidelberg Quintet Male voices, orchestra accompaniment George Botsford, composer of the famous "Grizzly Bear" "I Want to Love You While the Music's Playing" was the was sitting in a restaurant just off Broadway not long ago, result of their collaboration. The music has a catchy swing, listening to the various ragtime pieces that the orchestra and the strains from "Love's Old Sweet Song" are well there was playing. Finally they played Molloy's "Love's rendered by the Heidelberg Quintet. This quintet arrangeOld Sweet Song." He was struck with its beauty, compared ment of the song, by the way, was made by Mr. Botsford with what had gone before, and straightway decided to give himself, and planned to completely portray his idea of the his opinions musical expression. Jean Havez gave him song, which he says it does. Published by Jerome H. Remick admirable assistance by writing the words so cleverly, and & Co., New York City. 1568 On a Beautiful Night With a Beautiful Girl (Gus Edwards) Walter Van Brunt and Chorus Tenor and chorus, orchestra accompaniment This song, written by Gus Edwards, was featured by him in for a number of years. He is probably one of the most popuhis several vaudeville acts. It was soon taken up by many lar song writers of to-day, and this selection is well up among others, and became so successful that the publishers were the best that' he has produced. The words are by Will D. induced to purchase the rights of all of Gus Edward's songs Cobb. Published by Jerome H. Remick & Co., New York, and place him under an exclusive contract to write for them 1573 Lustspiel Overture (Keler-Bela, op. 73) Edison Concert Band The 130 odd works of Keler-Bela, the eminent Hungarian brilliant style and clever orchestration. "Lustspiel Overconductor, soloist and composer, consist of overtures, dance ture" is a striking example — its individuality showing the music, and pieces for solo violin, all distinguished for showy, versatility of the composer in a most convincing manner. 1575 Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet {Percy Wenrich) Joseph A. Phillips and Chorus Tenor and mixed voices, orchestra accompaniment This famous march song by Percy Wenrich and Stanley which they had driven fifty years before. The song is written Murphy, has held a high place in public favor since it was around a pretty sentiment and this arrangement with a introduced about three years ago. An old couple on their female voice taking up portions of the words, adds an effec golden wedding day rehearse the trip to the church at Dover tive touch of realism. Published by Jerome H. Remick & in the same old shay and past the^me clover fields, through Co.,< New York City. 1576 Rap, Rap, Rap, Rap On Your Minstrel Bones {Albert Von Tilzer) Edward Meeker Coon song, orchestra accompaniment Albert Von Tilzer's latest minstrel song "Rap, Rap, Rap" One chorus is devoted entirely to the ""rapping of the has a rhythm which will make anyone feel like doing a clog, minstrel bones" which are rapped most energetically while for it has a "swing" and "go" that is absolutely irresistible, side remarks are passed by the admiring participants of the Edward Meeker sings it with all the dash and spirit it needs, dance. Words, Lew Brown; publishers, The York Music enunciating every word clearly in his characteristic fashion. Co., New York City. 1581 Edelweiss and Almenrausch (W. Mangelsdorf) Venetian Instrumental Trio Violin, flute and harp "Edelweiss," meaning "Pure as Snow," and "Almenrausch," it is pleasing to listen to, and interesting because of its type, meaning "Highland Flower, "is the title of this composition The Venetian Instrumental Trio has presented a careful by Mangelsdorf. It is an oberlander, a slow waltz of folk arrangement for the violin, flute and harp, which does full dance after the style of those of Southern Germany and the justice to the selection. Published by Carl Fischer, New Tyrol. While not being of a particularly high class of music, York City. 1582 Luella Lee {Theodore Morse) Campbell and Gillette Tenor duet, orchestra accompaniment "Luella Lee" is called by its composer a "southern serenade." and Campbell and Gillette have rendered it here in a very Aside from the interest of the words, it has a dainty swinging able manner. Words, D. A. Esrom; publishers, Theodore melody which grows more charming by repeated hearings, Morse Music Co., New York City. 1585 When I Carved Your Name on the Tree {Will Arthur) Harvey Hindermyer Tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment The song of the above title was first introduced by Arthur It is a song ballad, of familiar style, recalling its predecessor, Aldridgeat the Winter Garden, New York, where it was "All That I Ask of You is Love" the words of which were well received. Mr. Aldridge made a great personal hit with also written by Edgar Selden. The Edgar Selden Music Co., the song which was written by Edgar Selden and Will Arthur. New York are the publishers. 1586 Weeping, Sad *nd Lonely {Henry Tucker) Elizabeth Spencer and Chorus Soprano and chorus, orchestra accompaniment The sombre, sadness of this melody of Tucker is a beautiful chorus brings out many beautiful harmonies, and adds a commentary on the words to which it is set. It is rendered by touch of pathos, well in keeping with the character of the Elizabeth Spencer in a quiet and dignified way. The humming selection. Words by Chas. C. Sawyer. 1588 That Mellow Melody {Geo. W. Meyer) Anna Chandler Ragtime song, orchestra accompaniment Sam M. Lewis, who wrote the words of "That Mellow masterpiece, all through the chorus. Anna Chandler sings Melody" says he conceived the idea of the song while hearing the song with much spirit, and in the second rendition of Geo. W. Meyer play Schumann's "Traumerei" on his 'cello, the chorus, a 'cello can be heard following the voice, and yet The idea is very cleverly worked out indeed, both in the words, having a melody of its own, in a way that is very effective, and also the music, which contains suggestions' of Schumann's Words, Sam M. Lewis; publishers, G. W. Meyers, New York. 1600 Home Sweet Home the World Over (/. Bodewalt Lampe) Edison Concert Band This clever selection was written by J. Bodewalt Lampe, manner in which it might be played in various countries. and dedicated to John Philip Sousa in commemoration of It really amounts to a burlesque of the characteristics of the his "Around the World" tour. By means of clever alteration music typical of the several countries, with their pecularities of tempo, and the employment of various different combina greatly exaggerated. The arrangements for Spain, Italy tions of orchestral instruments, the composer has taken the and Scotland are especially good. Published by Jerome H. familiar melody of "Home Sweet Home" and described the Remick & Co., New York City