The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1916)

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Suggestions for Amberola Advertisements HERE are three more suggestions for newspaper or program advertisements. As they are merely suggestions, you are at liberty to re-arrange them to suit, using different cuts if desired. If you want to use the ads in anything printed on coated paper, we shall be glad to furnish you with half-tone cuts of the illustrations which are almost as good as photographs. Even if you do not make use of these suggestions, we hope they will stir up some ideas of your own. WHERE CAN YOU GET SO MUCH ENJOYMENT FOR SO LITTLE MONEY? Whatever your taste, whatever your mood, whatever your guests prefer, the Edison Diamond Amberola offers something to suit. The most classic of classical music, the most hilarious rag, serious, dramatic recitations, or side-splitting humor on tap whenever you want it. An inexhaustible source of entertainment. Instruments, $30, $50, $75. Records, 50c, 75c, $1 .00 Come hear your favorite song. No obligation. (Dealer's name and address) HAVE YOU HEARD (Name of selection taken from latest supplement) Sung by (Singer's name here) This is one of (number of selections in supplement) the brand new Blue Amberol records just received from the Edison Laboratories. Something to suit every taste, yours included. Come hear them. (Dealer's name Electro No. 425 and address) Your Favorite Song Come to our store and hear it on the wonderful musical instrument that bears the stamp of Thomas A. Edison's genius. The EDISON Diamond Amberola Electro No. 381 Brightens dull hours, cheers with song and story, brings sunshine into the home. You are welcome at any time. Bring a friend. (Dealer's Name and Address)