The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1916)

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EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY, JUNE, 1916 TWENTY-EIGHT NEW DEALERS THIS MONTH IN the last month twenty-eight dealers have signed the agreement under which they are licensed to sell the Edison Diamond Amberola and Edison Blue Amberol records. Of this number, twelve will handle the Amberola line exclusively, and six who have been handling only the Diamond Disc line will take on the cylinder line. The remaining ten dealers have taken both the disc and cylinder lines. The new cylinder dealers in the three classes are: AMBEROLA ONLY W. W. Miller, Consecon, Ont., Canada. Lovins House Furnishing Co., Mahnomen, Minn. Whitney & DeMoney, Columbia City, Ind. R. E. Behm, Pittsburg, Pa. Malloy Drug Co., Van Hook, N. D. Stein Jewelry and Music Co., Geneseo, 111. J. R. Crain, Florence, Kas. J. D. Bruns, Richland, la. Leach Lake Trading Post, Walker, Minn. Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, Cal. Aiken Furniture Co., Aiken, South Carolina. Nelson J. Renaud, Vergennes, Vermont. AMBEROLA AND DISC G. G. Fineman, Tarboro, North Carolina. Johnstown Phonograph Co., Johnstown, Pa. C. B. Beaulieu, Newberry, Mich. M. F. Hobart, Gilman, 111. A. D. Smith, Fredericksburg, la. Red Cross Pharmacy, Kalispell, Mont. Mitchell-Neighbors Music Co., Mountain Grove, Missouri. Charles A. Harrington, Zearing, la. Diamond Disc Co., Lawrence, Kansas. Benton County Hardware Co., Siloam Springs, Arkansas. PREVIOUS DISC DEALERS TAKING ON AMBEROLA M. M. Bovard & Son, Manayunk, Pa. Harmon Drug Store, Kiowa, Kas. Colwell Drug Co., Pawnee, Nebraska. Loveman, Joseph & Loeb, Birmingham, Ala. Demain Pharmacy, Kinsley, Kas. Mosiman Brothers, Millbank, S. D. NEW ELECTROTYPE CATALOG In the latest issue of our catalog of advertising cuts, just out, there is some excellent material to assist dealers in advertising the Edison Diamond Amberola. This new catalog shows over 150 subjects to choose from, something for every Edison newspaper ad., and also for programs and leaflets. Shipments of this new electrotype catalog are being made to all jobbers. Get yours either from the jobber or from us and begin using some of these sales stimulants right away. Read the conditions under which electros are distributed to dealers and act accordingly. We always want to know what dealers are doing local advertising and to get clippings of their advertisements. THIS DEALER DOES WHAT ANY DEALER CAN DO EVERY once in a while a dealer pops up with a sales record that makes us wonder how he did it. He may be a big dealer who has a metropolitan territory, and the record that he has established may have resulted from the sale of many thousands of dollars worth of instruments, or he may be a small dealer, off in some thinly settled territory, who has sold only a few hundred dollars worth of goods, but who, under the conditions, has accomplished something out of the ordinary. E. T. Hardman, of Oak River, Man., Canada, is one of our smaller dealers who has made an enviable record since he became a dealer on February 1st, 1916. Between that date and March 15 (six weeks) he disposed of five Diamond Amberolas in a town with a population of two hundred and fifty. And a limited population was not the only obstacle that Mr. Hardman was up against. During the greater part of this six weeks the weather was exceedingly cold and the thermometer frequently touched forty below. Mr. Hardman has a competitor who is handling a talking machine and who has been located in that territory for a number of years. This competitor, according to Mr. Hardman, is somewhat peeved at the way in which the Diamond Amberola is cutting into his business. Mr. Hardman is alive to the possibilities of rural canvassing and he intends to travel among the farmers in his territory and give them home demonstrations with the Amberola just as soon as the weather permits. NEW BLUE AMBEROL RECORD CATALOG Besides the listing of many new records, artists of world-wide fame make their debut in the Edison Blue Amberol catalog with the new issue now being shipped to jobbers. Among these are Julia Heinrich, soprano, the sensation of the season at the Metropolitan Opera House; Otto Goritz, the noted baritone of the Metropolitan Opera Company; Herman Sandby, the famous Scandinavian 'cellist; Orphee Langevin, the Canadian operatic and concert baritone. Besides these there are several not as yet quite so famous, but who are fully up to the Edison standard, and you know what that means. The new Blue Amberol Record catalog includes all records issued up to and including the April, 1916, supplement. In our opinion we have never before added so many interesting numbers. Your jobber will be glad to send you copies, or you can secure a copy from us direct.