The Edison phonograph monthly (Jan-Dec 1916)

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10 EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY, OCTOBER, 1916 and that it is high time for you either to dust off your Edison stock or take to your cyclone cellar. One more eccentricity might be mentioned. A stock of Diamond Amberolas and Blue Amberol Records not right up to the minute brings down the "wrath of the gods" on your head. Using an auto, and not a snow plough, as a mode of conveyance, "Scotty" is obliged to accommodate himself to the weather and he is about to become a migratory gentleman who goes back and forth with the birds. This summer he has been tearing 44 Scotty" is a Firm Convert to Advertising, as Evidenced by the Above up New England highways and introducing real music into Maine and other centers in the northeast corner of this country. He is soon to start for the south where he will spend the greater part of the winter. And before he has been around that section long the Amberola Line is going to be more renowned than the Mason and Dixon Line. There will be more revolutions in Georgia than there are in Mexico — but it will be Blue Amberol records that will do the revolving. Keep your eyes — and your ears — open and be ready for "Scotty." When you see a man, who looks like the stout gentleman in the accompanying picture, flow out of his car and greet you, you will know who it is. He is a good fellow and a good salesman and you are going to like him and profit by his visit. . "The Amberola line is bound to be a success as long as you turn out instruments that give the strongest tone test." — Barnes Drug Company, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Canada. PRICES OF FOUR-MINUTE ATTACHMENTS REDUCED THE Musical Phonograph Division, in a recent bulletin to dealers, announced that, effective September 18th, the price of four-minute Blue Amberol Attachments was decreased substantially for the purpose of encouraging the Amberolization of old-style Edison instruments and stimulating the demand for Blue Amberol Records and new Amberolas. The former selling plan, under which each purchaser of an attachment received ten Blue Amberol records, has been abandoned and the prices on the new list apply to attachments only. Under the schedule now in force it will be possible for dealers and owners of old-style Edisons to secure the attachments at about half the price that it was necessary to pay under the old plan and a big business is anticipated as a result. Do It Now Each Amberola dealer should take immediate steps to inaugurate a publicity and sales campaign for the purpose of equipping the old-style Edisons in their territory with four-minute attachments. At $5.50 for Standard Instrument attachments, and $6.75 for either Home or Triumph attachments, the owners can convert them into instruments that will produce music far superior to that of any needletype phonograph on the market, regardless of price. There are thousands of owners of old Edisons who will be glad to take the opportunity of securing the attachments at the new price if the reduction is brought to their attention. Most Amberola dealers have lists of the names of former Edison owners whose instruments have not been Amberolized. If you have one of these lists, now is the time to get it out and get in touch with the prospects on it. Write them! Call on them! Take an attachment and some of the latest records and give them a demonstration; make every possible effort to Amberolize their instruments so they will become record buyers again. If you have not taken the trouble to compile such a list, now is the opportune time. More Profits for You A little advertising will bring in a surprising number of names, and window displays of the attachments, with plenty of explanatory window cards, will attract the attention of many owners of old Edisons. The result of this price reduction will be a great increase in the sales of four-minute attachments and Blue Amberol Records and large profits for Amberola dealers. Your share of the immediate profit and the profits that will be derived from the great increase in record and instrument business that will follow the Amberolization of a large number of old Edisons, depends on your own individual efforts. Start your Amberol attachment drive now.