Educational film magazine; (January-December 1920)

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CATALOG OF FILMS FROM THE TIBER TO THt PIAVE. Reel, 1; Producer, Burton Holmes; Exchange, Paramount; Remarks:—Modern Rome, Hadri- an's Tomb, bridge 136 A. D.. the Vatican, Egyption Obelisk, the Colonnades, the Gani- culum Hill, statue of Victor Emanuel II., first King of United Italy. Arch of Constantine, the Colosseum and Roman Forum, modern ruins, Nervesa after the war, shore of the Piavc River, looking otwards the Austrian lines. ACROSS THE BROAD rACIFIC. Reel, 1; Producer, Essanay; Exchange, Beseler; Remarks:—Reissue. Across the Pacific on the Japanese ship Tengo Maru, Japanese games, arriving in Yokohama, Japanese warship, wo- men workers loading ship with coal, street scenes in Yokohama, market men, fire depart- ment, etc. PICTURESQUE JAPAN. Reel, 1; Producer, Pathe; Exchange, Beseler; Remarks:—Reissue. The Ainus, the hairy race of Japan, spend a great deal of time on the water, the chief's hut, the chief's wife and daughter weaving a mat, Matsushiraa Islands, dredging oysters, sunset, moonrise. LIFE IN JAPAN. Reel, 1; Producer. Pathe; Exchange, Beseler; Remarks:—Reissue. A religious pageant to Kyoto, once the capital of Japan; modes of travel in Japan. ENCHANTING JAPAN. Reel, 1; Producer, Pathe; Exchange, Beseler; Remarks.—Reissue. Gishia girls, dances, iris gardens, gold fish, silver fish and carp. 3-year- old rooster with tail 15 feet long, visteria tree in poor man's garden, children dancing, pic- turesque bridge more ornamental than useful, afternoon tea under the visteria, fields of iris. SCENES IN TOKIO, JAPAN. Reel. 1; Exchange. Beseler; Remarks:—Re- issue. The fish market, vegetable market, festi- vals of the "God of Kitchen,'' semi-circular bridge, New Year's celebration in Japan, page- ant, the street of theatres, about January 1st the dwarf peach tree begins to bloom, crowds attending sermon to the God of Mercy. TOAD TRAITS. Reel, 1; Exchange, Beseler; Remarks:—The toad tadpoles change into little bits of toads while only a few days old, the spadefoot toad. just a plain hoptoad, the natterjack is a toad known in Europe and Asia, African water toad, the American gray tree toad. MEMORIES. Reel, 1; Producer, Prizma; Exchange, Repub- lic. Remarks :^—^An adaptation of John Green- leaf Whittier'- poem, "School Days." MARIMBA LAND. Reel, 1; Producer, Prizma; Exchange, Repub- lic. Remarks:—A study of the manners and customs of the descendants of the Aztecs in Guatemala. A DAY WITH JOHN BURROUGHS. Reel, I; Producer. Prizma; Exchange, Repub- lic. Remarks:—John Burroughs barn-door study with children, chipmunk, blue birds' nest, an orderly kingdom of ants, flower and weeds for insects, magnifying the flower, the grass- hopper as clown of the insects, and making her toilet, wood frog, drinking at nature's foun- tain, the spring. THE REFRESHING RIVIERA Reel, 1; Producer, Prizma; Exchange, Repub- lic. Remarks:—Mentone La Ville on French- Italian boundary day before yesterday sec- tion of Mentone, fishermen casting nets, churches and cathedral of St. Michel, Cap Martin, home of elite, Mentone itself is a garden, flowers are found everywhere, Roque- brune, two of our destroyers at Ville Franche, important naval port, roads of Southern France. THE APACHE TRAIL. Reel, 1; Producer, Prizma; Exchange, Repub- lic. Remarks:—Historic trail followed by the early Spanish explorers who searched for the fabaled "Seven Cities of Cibold." Supersti- tion Mountains, scenes of Roosevelt Dam, Fish Creek Canyon, the White Man's buildings, the Grand Canyon of the Apache, Mining possi- bilities, gila monster, flowering cactus, Apache camp, the Apache Indians at home and ruins 01 homes of the cliff dwellers. CONSTANTINOPLE. Reel, 1; Producer, Red Cross; Exchange, Edu- cational. Remarks:—Stamboul, Gatala Bridge, highway leading to the Orient, the modern section of the city, under the Crescent, feeding refugees, little Turks, queer characters. Serag- lio, old palace firemen, street cleaners, the Sultan goes to the Mosque in state, birds-eye views of city with over 200 Mosques, religious fakirs. FLASHES ON THK WORLDS SCREENS "How Life Begins" recently made the rounds of the schoo'.s in Grand Rapids. Mich. It was screened at Central High School, Union High School, and Walker School. Students from Turner, Stocking and Pine schools at- tended the showings. Princess Mona Darkfeather is the heroine of a new series of fifteen Indian photo- plays, each one reel in length. The C. B. Prirp Company are to distribute them. Unc hundred foot sections from various reels gathered by the Community Motion Pic- ture Bureau, on conditions in European coun- tries, formed an interesting exhibit at the (Chamber of Commerce, Rochester, N. Y., under the direction of the Central Racial Advisory Council. Village schools in Notts. .Nottingham, Eng- land, have been licensed by the local justices 10 give cinematograph shows. These are in charge of a Mr. Sanderson, f Motion pictures of medical and surgical lechnique were exhibited in Jewell Hall, Y. M. C. A. Iniilding. Hartford, Conn, re- cently by the Clinical Film Company of New York. Films of the transatlantic flight of the NC-4 are being shown on the. U. S. S. Isabel, a converted yacht, in connection with the recruiting cruise of that historic naval flying boat, the first to cross the Atlantic ocean by air. All of the large seaport towns on the Atlantic coast are being visited. AMERICA'S HERITAGE. Reels, 2; Exchange, Universal. Remarks:— A Boy Scout picture. Part 1: The boy of to- day is the man o fto-morrow, the "Boy Scout Oath." a "Motor Truck Hike," pitching tents, raising "Old Glory," saluting the flag, drilling, wig-wagging, making fire by friction, making "trails." Part 2: On a hike, bathing, back just in time to get the flag down before the sun sets, Sunday morning service, scenes from Niagara Falls. Lake Champlain. Crazy landing. Old Orchard Beach, first aid in drowning, breaking camp, etc. CHINA AND THE CHINESE. Reel. 1; Exchange, Beseler. Remarks:— Shanghai, street scenes, various conveyances, cargo collies at work, European Quarters, race course, racing, on the roofs, funeral, gin-rick shows, Chinese wheelbarrows, open air res- taurant, war ships, Buddha fete and parade, tea house, Chinese wedding, etc. CHINESE SCENES. Reel, 1; Exchange. Beseler. Remarks:—Eating with chopsticks, small feet of woman, showing bandaging, prisoner loses his queue, family con- veyances, irrigation of rice field, plowing, grinding millet, Foochow Road, wedding pro- cession, hair dress of Manchu woman, funeral procession. SCENES IN KOREA. Reel. 1; Exchange. Beseler; main business street, ancient conveyances of all kinds used in bringing food to city; a Korean artisan at work, doing the family washing, Korean dances, Korean types, grinding corn, a tramping gob- bler, the old Imperial Palace, Lotus Palace, etc. COME WATCH WITH ME, THE PASSING NIGHT. Reel, 1; Producer. Post; Exchange, Para- mount; Remarks:^Post Nature Picture, sum- mer twilight, clouds in the night, moon rising, etc. SUNSHINE AND SHADOW. Reel, 1; Exchange, Famous Players-Laslcy. Remarks:—Post Nature Picture. A scenic showing effects of sunshine and shadow on water, mountains, etc. A NIGHT IN JUNE. Reel, 1; Producer, Post; Exchange, Paramount; Remarks:—Views of summer skie, scenics, etc During the recent newspaper strike in Paris news films actually took the place of the daily newspapers, thus refuting the recent statement in a New York Globe editorial that such a thing would never be and confirming Thomas A. Edison in his prediction that such a thing some day would be universal. f The fine "Nelson" film was shown recently in Clitheroe. Scotland, to 1.800 scholars in llie elementary schools as their history les- son. On the advice of the educational authorities, the teachers took their pupils to one of the local cinemas during school hours, afterwards talking about the picture in the classrooms. 58* Miss Eugenia Remelin, chairman of the motion picture committee of the Woman's Cily Club, Cincinnati, is conducting a sur- vey to ascertain whether the pictures shown in local theaters are of any educational value for children. Members of the public recreation department of the club are assisting her. w At the annual convention of the Mary- land Sunday -School Association, held at Holand Park, Md., in October, motion pic- tures of Sunday school work in foreign lands were shown to the superintendents as the commander of the A. E. F. in France and Germany are also pictured. w The high school of Jiihiistown, Pa., has added a motion picture projector to its equip- ment. -\ benefit show was given there re- cently to demonstrate the machine and raise money for its purchase. The machine is portable and will be used in the grade schools as well. 30 The forest fire films o^vned by the State Conservation Commission of New York were shown at the tri-state conference on forest resources held at Indianapolis in October by the conservation commission of Indiana. Illinois and Ohio. Otto J. Nass Distributor of educational and relig- ious films for the State of Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts. 5 years" experience Good subjects solicited. 79 Fountain St., Providence, R. 1- Films for Educational and Relig-ious Institutions The New Alias Catalog Now Ready Bulletins of New Subjecls Bi-Monlhlv ATLAS EDUCATIONAL FILM CO., 63 E. Adam* St. Chicsgo POOR SLIDES Cost more than good ones in the end. Let us make your slides for you. we can bring out all the definition of the orig- inal, and where necessary do artistic coloring, and the cost will be surpris- ingly reasonable. Send for our Price List. COMING: Some special FEATURE Educational Sets to be released about Februar)' 1st and weekly thereafter. Send for particulars. Rent and Sale. Salf^ Agents for Mcintosh Stereopticons ASK .\BOUT F L E X O TYPEWBIIFR SLIDES RILEY OPTICAL INSTRUMENT COMPANY, Inc. Succrosors lo Kilcy Bros.. Eot. 1883 111 Fifth A ve.. Pg pl. "Y" New Yo rk, W. Y.