Educational film magazine; (January-December 1920)

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UNITED THEATRE EQUIPMENT CORPORATION EXPECTS TO HAVE READY FOR THE MARKET ON OR BEFORE MARCH 1st. 1920 WORLD INSTRUCTOR THE LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOTOR DRIVEN CINEMATOGRAPH OUTFIT EVER PRODUCED IT REACHES THE MOST INACCESSIBLE PEOPLE INTHEMODECN SCHOOL-ROOM IT TEACHES BY ELECTRICITY R.EQuieeo COMPLETE '»^ vjk 1 ELECTRIC L.t PLANT <»0 ■'^ TOUCH THE BUTTON AND THE LESSON BEGINS laOO. fOO PROJtCTOtt.ONLI 110 VOLTS £5 EXTOA FOB STEREOPTICAN ATTACHMENT 30 ErTRA FOR 220 VOLTS RHEASTAT FIVE MINUTES TO SET IT UP AND SHOW THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD $ 500. FOB COMPLETE OUTFIT IT MAKES ITS OWN ELECTRIC LIGHT WITH ONE PINT GASOLENE PER HOUR. PROJECTS ALL STANDARD FILMS ON 10 INCH 1000 FEET REELS THIS Hallberg Outfit is a C0?4PLETE Projection plant in every re- spect. The Projector is sold separately for use on either 32 or 110 volt alternating or direct current for use on city circuits, or, with it may be furnished the "HALLBERG FEATHERWEIGHT" Electric Light Plant, the whole outfit weighing less than 120 lbs., including projector, which alone weighs less than 25 lbs., permitting of first class projection in any part of the world where electricity cannot be obtained, as this electric plant makes its own electric power for the driving motor and for furnishing the necessary illumination for the projection, refjuiring about 1 Pint Gasolene for a regular show. We contract for your entire equipment ami furnish everything except the film United Theatre Equipment Corporation H. T. EDWARDS. President Executive Offices 1604 Broadway, New York J. H. HALLBERG. Vice President f V Dfancn stores in tSoston. Chicago. t.,mcinnati, t^leveland, Uetroit. •j^/^^'^' on\ Minneapolis. New York, Omaha. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. /tORPORATOiX "~° Kansas City Machine and Supply Co., Inc.. Kansas City. Mo. *— T^rsnr. —* IMPORTANT: Arhlrpss your Inquiry to Depl. "E" for prompt attention