Educational film magazine; (January-December 1920)

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BACK TO THE REPUBLICI A National Educational Camjiaign to be Started in Every American City alir S^tt^r Am^rtra IC^rturr S^rntirr, 3nr. An Appeal to the Eye and tKe Intellect THIS is a national campaign to put ten illustrated lectures on patriotism into even- church, school and industrj- in America with the hope of making millions of Americans (including children and youth) immune against Marx's socialism, Trotzkj^'s bolshe\-ism. and Haj-vvood's communism and I. \V. W. radicalism. These ten illustrated lectures of the "Better America" Series on Americanizing America, by Newell Dwight Hillis, were first given in Ph-mouth Church, Brookl>Ti. New York. Later they were tested out in one hundred towns and cities in Michigan. We believe that these illustrated lectures represent the only method that has stood the test and has actually accompUshed results, as shown by scores of testimonials received. ehr Srttfr Amrrira Hrrttur iPrnrtrr. Inr. has been formed by a group of representative men who have arranged with the Victor Animatograph Company to produce immediately these illustrated lectures, which will be dehvered in Sunday Schools. Y. M. C. A.'s, churches, etc.. on Sundays and in the country' school houses and public school houses and industries during the week. With all of his power to state facts and figures, with such emphasis as to bum them into your very soul. Dr. Hillis has taken his ten lectures on Americanism, and with much additional matter has woven them into the "Better .\merica" series of lectures and s'.ides, which should be heard by ever\- man and woman in America. The titles of the ten illustrated lectures which comprise the Better America Series are as follows; The Sanctity of Property-. How Bolshevism Ruined Russia. How Abilit)' Can Increase Worker's Wage and Karl Marx's Socialism. Covmtry's Wealth. \Miat Our Fathers Paid. The Loyal Classes Who Build the State and Enemies ^^'ho Undermine It. ^^'hy There Is No Excuse for Poverty- in Our Coimtry. Each lecture is illustrated by from thirtj'-five to thirty-seven colored stereopticon slides. A new invention, the 'T)aylight Screen" (American Lux Products Corp., 50 E. •t2d St.. New York) makes it possible to show these illustrated lectures day or night. With the consent of the trustees of Plj-mouth Church Dr. Hillis has finally agreed to give the Better .\merica Lecture Ser^-ice, Inc., a few months of his time for the organizing of this work. A nominal rental charge will be asked for the use of the lectures and slides. AbittTSB all tnqnirirs In tbf Irtlrr Amrrira ICrrturr ^rrmrr, 3nr., Bvpt A 251 S^aurtb Atirnur. ^tva Vark Cilo The Republic the Golden Mean. Gains of the Last Centun.-. America of To-morrow. Better America Leaure Service. Inc., Dept. A, 251 Fourth Avenue, Xew York City. Gentlemen: Send us more information about the Better .\merica Series of ten lecnires by Dr. Hillis. EFM In all of his activities as a minister, lecturer, writer and pubhcist. Newell Dwight HDlis prob- ably never did a more important piece of work for himianit>- than in giving to the world his ten lectures and stereopticon slides comprising the "Better .\merica" series. 31