Educational film magazine; (January-December 1920)

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W> I SUGGESTED PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR VARIED PURPOSES The pictures listed in the suggested programs given be- low, of which many were released for exhibition several months ago, should all be available at the exchanges of the companies by which they were produced or by whicli they are being distributed. In planning these programs the nature of the institution or purpose for which they are designated has been taken into consideration, and the pic tures chosen are of the best quality. FOR BOYS OR GIRLS AT SUMMER CAMPS CANOE AND CAMPFIRE—Kepiiblic. (Prizma color production showing tiie result of carelessness of campers in leaving behind thera partially extinguished fires. This picture contains some remarkable views of forest fires in natural colors.) NEWS REEL SATURDAY—fr;mrtus Players-Lasky (Briggs comedy showing how Skinney puts in his Saturday scrub- bing the steps, and also his adventures in the old swimming hole, and his endeavors to escape his Saturday bath.) HEART 0' THE HILLS—f(>i/ National (Five-part storv of the Kentucky mountains, featuring Mary Pick ford.) FOR SUMMER SCHOOLS PATHE REVIEW No. 29 (Containing slow camera views of juggling. There is also shown the making of lenses, sextant mirrors and prism binoculars, date- raising in California, and scenes of beauty in France.) KILAUE.V—/?e/)u6/(f (Shewing wonderful natural color views in the crater of the Hawaiian volcano. I MOVING DAY—Cnldwyn (A Carter De Haven comedy in which a young couple attempt to move to another house, and meet with amusing difficulties through a misinterpreted order.) BROKEN BLOSSOMS—United Artists (A 1). W. Griffith production, proving by means of a Chinaman that kindness of heart and poetry of thought belong to no in- dividual nation or race—a wonderful human interest story.) FOR HOSPITALS THE WANDERER AND THE ^VHOZITT—Educational Films Cor- poration {A story of two dogs who met in the hills and formed a com- panionship in the great outdoors, contains comedy situations.) KINOGRAMS—(Preferablv a late issue)—Republic FROM HAND TO MOUTH—PorAe (A clean farce comedv. featuring Harold Lloyd.) RED HOT DOLLARS—famous Players-Lasky (An entertaining Charles Ray comedy in which a pair of lovers find themselves at the mercy of a business quarrel between their respective guardians.) FOR ASYLUMS THROUGH WINDING WALLS— Educational Films Corporation (A beautiful Chester scenic displaying the charms of the Ausable river and chasm.) THE KID AND THE COWBOY—Universal (A Western comedy-drama of fine quality.) FOUR TIMES FOILED—^(/ucafiono/ Films Corporation (An amusing animal comedy in which a monkey is one of the chief actors.) LUCK IN PAWN—FamoHs Players-Lasky (A bubbling comedy-drama featuring Marguerite Clark.) FOR PRISONS NEWS REEL < Preferablv the latest.) PATHE REVIEW No. 39 (Showing "The Walled City of the Wasp," "The Dust that Builds Cities." and a slow motion number called "Eight Hands vs. One Bounce.') ERSTWHILE SUSAN—«cfl/«r( (.A six-reel story of life among the Pennsylvania Dutch farmers. featuring Constance Cinney.) BACK ST.-VGE— Famous Players-Lasky (A two-reel farce comedy on the troubles of a traveling stock company, featuring Roscoe Arbuckle.) FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS JOHN BURR0UGHS-7?e/)«fc/ic (A Prizma natural color film, picturing a delightful day sf by a couple of children in the company of the famous naturali MONKEY CAPERS— Educational Films Corporation IA series of amusing scenes in which the unconscious corned) the species prevails.) TO.M SAWYEK—Famous Players-Lasky I An adaptation of Mark Twain's "Adventures of Tom Sawyi fealuiing Jack Pickford. I THE KITCHEN LADY—FomoHS Players-Lasky i A Mack Sennett farce comedy in which a slavey turns out. be an heiress.) FOR CHAUTAUQUAS NEWS REEL (Preferablv the latest.) COME WATCH WITH ME THE PASSING NIGHT—Famous PI crs-Lasky tA beautiful Post scenic including a number of delightful ck studies.) WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY—United Artists (A Douglas Fairbanks comedy of which mental suggestion form part. Amusing dream scenes in slow photography follow over-indulgence in lobster salad. The picture has also a pleasi love interest.) CO.MPANY—Famous Players-Lasky ( A Briggs comedy presenting a sketch of .\merican country I in a homely and amusing way.) FOR INDUSTRIAL OR VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS MAGIC CLAY—/?e/)u6/ic l.\ Prizma natural color demonstration of the art of making p terv—an especially artistic industrial.) TROUT RAISING—«ep«6/ic I Interesting incidents in the life of a trout, according to I Prizma natural color method.) A GAY OLD BOG—Paihe (Five-reel comedy of exceptional merit, featuring John Cumbi land.) THE FLOWING BOAD—Goldwyn (A Ford scenic, beautifully photographed, tinted and tonnl. LISTS OF APPROVED FILMS Issued by Centenary Conservation Committee, Division of Stei opticons. Motion Pictures and Lectures.Methodist Episcopal Church. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York City If unable to secure address of nearest film exchange of desiti company, write the company at New York address, for informatio enclosing postage. If in question as to necessary cuts apply to tb department. If any parts are cut out they must be replaced wi. scrupulous care and accuracy, or damages will be charged ai further service cut off. WORLD AT COLUMBUS 6 reels, distributed through -\rea Offices. Rental $20. First thn reels sketch origin of Methodism and show the Centenary Celebr. tion at Columbus. Reel four gives a brief idea of the Wayfare Reels five and six present the Centenary program visually. STREAM OF LIFE 7 reels. Plymouth Film Corp.. 784 Broad street. Newark. N. Rental §25. Story of a country boy who came to the city an found success but lost his religion. His experiences of life tall him through the phases of doubt, unbelief and bitterness till I last he finds God again. A beautifully strong, evangelistic pk ture. Best religious story ever put in pictures. MANGER TO CROSS 5 reels. Vitagraph. 1600 Broadway. New York. Best thing of j) kind ever done. Unqualifiedly endorse for single evening or it five nights with sermon series on the life of Christ. SATAN'S SCHEME 5 reels. Paragon Film Bureau, 811 Garrick Bldg.. Chicago, II Built on Bible prophecy. "The seed of the woman shall bruise tb liead of the serpent." Biblical—fine. Inspect for manv cuts. GOD AND THE MAN 6 reels. Shows preaching of John Wesley and work of earl Methodists, a story of love and hate and victory of love. S. H lladley, 130 West 46th street, New York City, care Frank Hall. , IS I