Educational film magazine; (19-)

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T^ EDUCATIONAL FILM MAGAZINE Published monthly by Non-Theatrical Film Publishers, Inc., at White Plains, N. Y., and 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Address all communications to Brooklyn, N. Y., ofBces.) DOLPH EASTMAN', Editor. Subscription: United States and Possessions tl a year; other countries $2 a year; single copies is cent*. European Representatives: B. Allan, 85 Long Acre, London, W.C.2; E. Fletchcr-Claj'ton, 43 rue de Caomartin, Paris; E. Serandrei, 18 via Magenta, Rome; Hans Pander, 11 Pfalzburger strasse, Berlin, W. 15, Advertising rates on application. Telephone: Main 7287 Copyright, 1922, by Non-Theatrical Film Publishers, Inc. Vol. VII JANUARY, 1922 No. 1 IN THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL 3 Tempus Omnia Revelat—By Dolph Eastman MOTION PICTURES TO TEACH CIVICS 4 THE FOUR M's INSTEAD OF THE THREE Rs' 5 By William Lester Bodine "MOTION PICTURES MUST COORDINATE WITH THE CURRICULUM" 6 EDUCATIONAL EFFICIENCY THROUGH THE CINEMA... 6 By H. G. Wells OFFICIAL MOVIE CHAT FOR THEATER OWNERS 7 FILMS INVALUABLE FOR NATURE STUDY 8 By M. L. Brittain—JiZ«s(rafed "PETER POINTS THE WAY" ; 9 By Leona Block— Illustrated "NATIONAL" HAS BURTON HOLMES AND SWEDISH FILMS 10 BILLY SUNDAY ON THE EDUCATIONAL POWER OF THE MOVIE 11 MOVIES FOR KIDDIES—WHAT SHALL WE DO ABOUT IT? 12 By Hilda D. Merriam REVIEWS OF FILMS 13 By Mabel G. Foster INDIANA INDORSERS' APPROVED LISTS 14 A MOVIE TRIP THROUGH FILMLAND 16 By Dolph Eastman— Illustrated FLASHES ON THE WORLD'S SCREEN 18 Advertisements Ford M. P. Laboratories Inside front cover Kineto Co. of America 2 Fitzpatrick & McElroy 15 Austin Film Library, Inc 15 Walhamore Company 17-18 Simplex Title Shop 17 Edited Pictures System, Inc 18 Kirkman & Son It Victor Animatograph Co 19 Daniel J. Goff 1» Assoc. Mfrs. Safety Standard 1» Loose-Leaf Catalog iO Premium offer Inside back cover Eastman Kodak Co Back cover What Subscribers Say About Educational Film Magazine: I need not tell you that I have long been a reader of your pe- riodical, Edccational Film ILto- AziN'E. If more school principals and teachers realized the excep- tional information and the val- uable suggestions on visual in- struction which your magazine carries every month, I am sure that few of them would be with- out it. I know of no medium through which they could more readily keep themselves in touch with what is newest and what is best in this field than your mag- azine.— Ernest L. Crandall, Di- rector of Lectures and Visual In- struction, Board of Education of the City of New York. Subscribe to the Educational Film Magazine —it is a wonderful source of Inspiration and a real help. I am writing the publishers to send you a sample copy. I wouldn't do without mine for a dollar a month —it costs only a dol- lar a v^ar. —A. L. Thomas, Ex- tension Department, Alabama Poly- technic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Enclosed find one dollar for one year's subscription to Educational Film Macazine. Have received s sample copy which impresses me very much, and I believe it will be of material assistance to me in my work of using the film in our church In our department of Community Service.— Rev. Edw. W. Sinnott, 4550 No. 38th Street, Omaha, Neb. Thank you very much for the three back numbers of Educational Film Magazine. They were cei^ tainly worth writing for. About the first mark in our 1922 calendar will t)e at the proper place.: "Re- new subscription to Educational Film Magazine. — McKay School Equipment, Ltd., Toronto, Canada. Educational Film Magazine Is some good factor in the develop- ment of the right kind of propa- ganda for motion pictures and I am anxious to help you in any possible way. I am having sent to you a list of films which we have edited and are recommending to the churches.— Rev. C. C. Mar- shall. Centenary Conservation Committee Methadist Episcopal Cliurch, New York City. The field is witnessing some real developments and Educational Film Magazine will always hold an important place in a very im- portant movement.— Arthur E. Curtis, Chicago, 111. I am sure my educational friends will be interested in receiving your magazine and believe it will open the eyes of some of them to learn how much is being done already with motion pictures. Will you kindly enter my order for 100 copies of your January issue? 1 want to work up an interest among my college friends for the use of talking pictures—a valuable new tool for educators that has never existed before.— William H. Bris- tol, President, The Bristol Com- pany, Waterbury, Conn. Your Loose-Leaf Catalog cer- tainly looks like a very valuable reference work.—McKay School Equipment, Ltd., Toronto, Canada. ( Cut this out and mail TO DAY) //////y//f//y/^y//y//yy///////y////f/////////y//////y///////f//^///^/y//////.f/^''//^^'^^'^^^'"'<^^ HERE'S MY DOLLAR for a year's subscription to EDUCATIONAL FILM MAGAZINE Magazine and Catalog $6 year 189 Montague St., Brooklyn, New York NAME ^.........'- STREET NO. OTY A STATE. ^,,ww»M}»M»}?MiMWWJ/M??w wfWMW»M/W/?MMff/mummffa/ Z2m. What Subscribers Say About Educational Film Magazine's Loose-Leaf Catalog and iNFORMA-noN Ser\':ce 1 like your first Loos^-Leap Cat- alog message very much. The con- mendable features aoout It are: 1, the classiflcationL; 2, the selec- tion from the great number of pictures of those that are depend- able for schoo) and community work.—A. G. Balcom, Ass't Sup't of Schools, Newark, N. J. As to b.DUCA.IONAL FiLM MAG- AZINE, the most helpful thing to me Is tne review it gives of films and offering suggestions for the mak-ng of a suitable program. I aiv going to take a year's sub- scription to your Loosz-Leaf Cat- t.LOG and Information Service and I enclose check for same, for I think you have a fine Idea whicli can be made very helpful.— Rkv. D. Wilson Hollinokr, Bethany Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J. Your Loose-Leap Catalog I have been so anxious to see has arrived in the morning mail. "How do I like It?" Tickled to death! It is small, yes; so are diamonds. But like a dollar in the savings bank, it can be added to so that it will be worth a great deal. And I feel sure that in the very near future you will have more demands for this catalog than you are at present anticipating. Therefore you may consider me one of the indi.spensable users of this fine specimen of your laliors already. You have requested criticisms. I have none to make.—O. G. Sown, Atlanta, Ga. I have received your Looa-LsAP Catalog and think that it will be a great convenience and help.— Rev. Stanley R. Gbubb, Christian Church, Winder, Ga.