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Educational film magazine; (19-)

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1 reel 1 reel By Mabel G. Foster RECREATIONAL PROGRAM (Men's Groups) iY OF BIG BASS ON LONG ISLAND—iVafiona/ Non- Theatrical - _ 1 reel Irvin S. Cobb, who is one of the fishermen in the picture, has written the interesting sub-titles. .'HLETIC MOVEMENTS ANALYZED. Part Z—PathS .„ 1 reel Champions and ex-champions illustrate in slow-motion base- ball, javelin-throwing, pole vault, high jump, walking, hurd- ling and fancy diving. IE MOLLY'CODDLE—{/nited Artists 6 reels One of Douglas Fairbanks' most strenuous and amusing pictures. AMERICAN HISTORY (Colonization) lAINT FOLKS AND BEAUTIFUL SCENES OF CAPE X)D— Carter Cinema Distributing Corp. . 1 reel The region made famous by the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. DRY OF PLYMOUTH ROCK—^teine _ 1 reel The I>anding of the Pilgrims. rOLISH SETTLEMENTS IN NORTH AMERICA—So- iety for Visual Education _ I reel How the English strengthened their foothold in America by comparatively close colonization, thus vanquishing the French. 'ANGELINE LAND—^4. C. Derr Co „ 1 reel Views in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, first settled by the French. TRAVEL PROGRAM (Egypt) AND ABOUT CAIRO—^ineio 1 reel Street scenes. Archeological relics in Egyptian Museum. TI TNG ON THE SPHINX—National Non-Theatrical Mo- Pictures, Inc. (Burton Holmes), 232 W. 38th St., New -e views of the celebrated relic. ■ OF THE DESERT—Carter Cinema Distributing Corp. Prizma), 220 W. 42nd St., New York Views of the Sahara. RELIGIOUS PROGRAM ^DOVl'S—Educational 1 reel A beautiful and well-titled scenic preparing the mind for the deep lesson of the following picture. IE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE—Fiim Booking Co., 729 7th' Ivenue, New York _ _ 8 reels Charles Rann Kennedy's drama of Christlike service. TUBERCULOSIS PREVENTION PROGRAM .KE NO CHANCES—CarZy/e Ellis, 71 West 23rd St., N. Y 2 reels Illustrates in story form the advantages to tuberculous persons of promptly taking treatment at well-equipped sani- tariums. rr OF THE SHADOWS—fJ. S. Dept. of Agriculture 2 reels A story illustrating the farmer's duty in preventing the spread of tuberculosis through infected cattle. RECREATIONAL PROGRAM (General) IE RED TRAIL'S EVID—Educational _ 1 reel I Pueblo life of the Taos Indians showing blending of ancient and modern customs. 'EET LAVENDER—Fomo«* _ _ _ 5 reds Marv Miles .Minter in a love story of college davs. )GAR CAMPS OVT—Gohlwyn ....'. .'. 2 reels Booth Tarkington's comedy of a boy's imagination before and after dark. RECREATIONAL PROGRAM (General) IE MAKI.VG OF 100-TON GUNS—.Veto Era Films _... 1 reel HAT FORM MEANS TO AN ATHLETE—iVezc Era Films J reel Making cannons at U. S. .\rsenal, Watervliet, N. Y. How j keeping in form physically promotes good health. llE AMATEUR GENTLEMAN—Community Motion Picture I iervice 6 reels Jeffrey Farnol's delightful novel. iOONERS—Educational 1 reel ! How Auntie tested the loyalty of her niece's sweetheart. Note: There is social card-playing in this film. INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM (Noon Hour) ,LLARS OF THE SKY—Western Electric . 1 reel Gathering and milling the raw product for telephone cross arms and conduits. iKINK TELEPHONES IN TOKIO—Western Electric 1 reel A western industry in an Oriental setting. Tell the advertiser you read hi* ad in Educational 27 GOOD NEWS! You can now book this great Charles Dickens picture Hailed by New York: 'Marvelous . Tribune. . we guarantee satisfaction."— New York "Classic ... an achievement seldom seen on the screen." — New York Evening Telegram. "Beautifully done." — New York Morning Telegraph. "Greatest satisfaction." — New York Evenina Hail. "Shining example of something good in the movies." — New York Daily Newt. "Of the highest class, a standard raiser.—Editorial Mov- ing Picture World. "Charm and interest."— New York Journal. "Care and Intelligence."— New York American. "Quaint charm."^— New York Evening Post. "lyiterary masterpiece."— New York Evening Olobe. "Comedy scenes delicious."— New York Sun. "Delightfully interesting."— Exhibitors' Herald. "Captivating."— Motion Picture News. Endorsed by tbe discriminating: "I would travel miles to see."— Henry Alexander, Treas., The Dickens Fellowship of New York. "I wish we could have more of such movies."— Rev. Rob- ert Bruce Clark. "Everyone should see this picture."— Edward B. Shallow, Asso. Supt., Board of Education, New York. Listed: by the New York Times among the 27 imjx)rtant pictures of the year; by The National Board of Review among best photoplays of the year. This Wonderful Picture is now available for your screen .\ master writer's great work Our Mutual FRIEND" <T<! A story that tests the values of life, weighing love, wealth anil honor. A full ^evening's entertainment (7698 ft.) and a liberal educa- tion in the genius of Charles Dickens. Can you afford not to play it? Produced with lavish detail and faithful to the spirit of its great creator, it is a superlative achievement of the screen. Write for immediate dates and full information to -w—y THE DICKENS fT^ r ILMCR AF1 1540 Broadway, New York Film Magazine — it means better service for yim