The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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122 The Hducattonal Screen LITERATURE, ART AND HISTORY A Hoosier Romance 5 reels (University Ci- nema Service)—Setting forth the humorous, genuine story of James Whitcomb Riley's poem. Subtitles are taken directly. Played by Colleen Moore as Patience Thompson and Thomas Jef- ferson as the father. Spartacus 8 reels (Kleine)—The story of an- cient Rome and of the slave uprising led by Spartacus gives opportunity for glimpses of the imperial city, the gladiatorial games, and the social life of the times. Pilgrim's Progress 4 reels (Kleine)—Bunyan's dream, and the adventures of Christian through the Slough of Despond toward Peace and Hap- piness as Bunyan saw them in the vision which prompted him to write his masterpiece. The Blue Bird (F P L)—An adaptation of Maeterlinck's classic, understandingly done and artistically worthwhile. Two child actors take the leading roles. Directed by Maurice Tour- neur. Black Beauty 7 reels (Vitagraph)—This most appealing story of Ann Sewell's lends itself admirably to screen presentation. A Tale of Two Cities 7 reels (F)—A faithful v ualization of Dickens' classic, as far as 1 spirit and atmosphere are concerned, and a m too-faithful portrayal of the grewsome and h< able aspects of the story. The result is said be a film rich in instructional value. Willi? Farnum takes the part of Darney and Sydn Carton. INDUSTRIAL Better Milk (K)—Little may the city child reali the processes through which milk has pass* nor the journey it has taken before it appe; on his doorstep. This reel makes clear t source of the city's milk supply, and pictui the precautions taken to insure its cleanline and purity. Electricity 4 reels (C C)—An exposition of tl complicated subject, showing how electru power is generated and controlled, and how is made to serve our daily needs in power, ligl ing, and telegraphy. Mining At the Calumet and Hecla 2 reels (U Mines)—A non-technical treatment of the ■ ject, showing the processes through which t ore passes—mining, milling, and smelting—un the moulded copper ingots are ready for sh ment. Notice When a company distributes through exchanges (as indicated below), our rea< ers should write to the nearest exchange. For addresses of these exchanges, rea ers are referred to preceding issues of The Educational Screen. Within 60 days, a complete directory of the principal exchanges distributii non-theatrical films will be printed and mailed to each subscriber, without charg for permanent reference. Whenever changes or additions are needed, new shee will be mailed to replace those obsolete and the directory will be kept reliable ar up-to-date. C C KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Lea-Bel Carter Cinema Producing Corporation, 220 West 42nd St., New York City. E F C . Educational Films Corporation, (Exchanges) 729 7th Avenue, New York City. FPL Famous Players-Lasky Corp. (Exchanges) 485 Fifth Ave., New York City. Fine Art Fine Art Films, 804 South Wabash Ave., Chicago. F Fox Film Corporation, (Exchanges) 10th Ave. at 55th St., New York City. Gen Elec General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. H Hodkinson Selected Pictures, (Exchanges) 527 Fifth Ave., New York City. K Kineto Film Company of America, 71 West 23rd St., New York City. Kl George Kleine, 116 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Lea-Bel Co., 806 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. N NT National Non-Theatrical Motion Pictures, 232 West 38th St., New York City. P Pathe Exchange, Inc., (Exchanges) 35 West 45th St., New York City. S V E Society of Visual Education, 806 West Washington Blvd., Chicago. U S Agric U. S. Bureau of Agriculture, Motion Picture Laboratory, Washington, D. C. IT S Mines U. S. Bureau of Mines, Experiment Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. IT Universal Film Co., (Exchanges) 1600 Broadway, New York City. U C S University Cinema Service, 1600 Broadway, New York City. Vitagraph Co., (Exchanges) 808 South Wabash Ave., Chicago.