The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN Film Estimates — Continued Titles of Films (Actors) (Producers and Distributors) For Intelligent Adults For Youth (15 to 20yr9.) Hardly For Children (under 15 yrs) Closed Gates (Johnny Harron) Sterling Feeble No Hardly worth description; unconvincing. Colleen (Madge Bellamy) Fox Amusing Good Good Comedy of real Irish atmosphere — amusing and well-acted. Country Doctor, The (Rudolph Schildkraut, Sr.) Notable Excellent Whole De Mille some Fine, human, realistic story — marred only by too fast a "comedy tempo" in spots, and over-multi plication of misfortunes for dear old doctor. Cradle Snatchers, The (Louise Fazenda) Fox Trash Better not No Vulgar attempt to make infidelity of middle-aged married people basis of farce-comedy. Dance Magic (Pauline Starke) First Nat'l. Entertain Perhaps Doubtful Rather charming, restrained story of Puritan girl ing becoming professional dancer. Could have been made very objectionable. One minor scene might well be cut. Dearie (Irene Rich) Warner Interest Good Beyond them Mixture of excellence and absurdity. Splendid ing acting by notable cast, restrained and convincing. But son an unbelievable cad and melodramatic climax absurd. Eyes of the Totem (Wanda llawley) Pathe Worthless Bettor not No Slow-moving, far-fetched, crime and vice melo drama. Fast and Furious (Reginald Denny) Univ. Amusing Good Very thril Auto-hating hero wins auto race and heroine in ling lively style. (See Review No. 147) First Auto, The (Russell Simpson) Warner Crude, unintelligent farce-comedy, with much Passable Amusing Harmless historical interest and sentimental appeal. Framed (Milton Sills) First Nat'l. Negligible Exciting No Usual Sills picture of hero innocent hut wronged. Violently thrilling — mud flood underground is the chief originality. Gingham Girl, The (Lois Wilson) F. B. 0. Innocuous Fair Fair Country-boy -leaves-sweetheart-for-great-city story. Light and fairly amusing. Good As Gold (Buck Jones) Fox Negligible Hardly No Melodrama with Buck Jones both as villain and hero. Heart of Maryland, The (Dolores Costello) Warner Interest Good Good Highly theatrical tale with some absurdities. ing But much historical interest and charm. Villain over-drawn in old Belasco story, and over-acted by Warner Richmond. Other acting good. i