The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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October, 1929 255 Motion Pictures Add Vividness to Instruction "Within the next few years the Motion Picture will be an indispensable adjunct for every teacher and educational lecturer." This, from a recent report of the United States Bureau of Education, immediately makes a suggestion which school boards of even the smallest schools will do well to consider. The widespread use of films in schools is an assured development which is destined to materialize in the next few years. Educators everywhere recognize the vast potential value which films hold as a means of instruction. De Vry Motion Pictures create a lasting impression — they attract and hold the attention of the pupils — make school work more pleasant. They present details upon the screen so that all may see — make min "Sc« Youratflf as Others See You'^ IJRS-DeVry Corporation EHlabliNhed lOOO 333 I¥ortli ^licliigan Avenuo Mew York CHICAGO San Franoisvo ute objects, ordinarily seen by only one at a time with difficulty through a microscope, magnified to a size easily visible to a whole class at once. Stop-on-film feature enables teacher to hold the picture on the screen at any time for detailed study. Mail the coupon below and full details will be sent promptly. The famous DeVry Type E, 35 mm. Projector — Ught in weight — self-contained— easy to carry — simple to operate. <^RS-De Vry Corporatioi!333 r'. Michiguii Avenue. CliicafTO, III. n<'pi nio rienlle-T en soii.l i: e utwcrtp;!^^ lileruUire und infurniiitioti on IheDe \ ry IVn.iecl.vr ami ^M■h»«^I films. Name. -J