The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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March, 19} g Page 97 Make your UNIT ot WORK LIVE with a Spencer Deliiieascope \Xliy did the circulation of picture magazines soar into the millions al- most over night? Because pictures are interesting. Their vividness com- pels attention. That is why a Unit of Work when presented visually by means of pro- jection and magnification, stimulates pupil interest and attention . . . im- proves grades and reduces failures. \^'hen buying a projector be sure you get one with the greatest possible usefulness. Select a Spencer Combina- tion Delineascope and you will have an instrument of high optical quality which projects both glass slides Note the very large periodical being used. and opaque illustrations—virtually two machines in one. Write Dept. C 12 for a valuable booklet on visual education equipment. Spencer Lens Company MICROSCOPES MICROTOMES PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT REFRACTOMETERS COLORIMETERS SPECTROMETERS PROJECTORS Visual Education Abroad Hungary. .Ml intermediate and secondary schools are under obligation to use cinematograph projectors as an aid to teaching. A "Delegation of Educational Cinema- tography," established by the Ministry of Public In- struction and Religion, acts as a connecting link, as re- garfls tlie provision of films, between the schools and the Ministry which has the final say in all matters con- cerning the school cinema. The films are controlled by the National Commission for the .Appreciation of Edu- cational Films. Xo film may be shown in schools un- less it has obtained the approval of this commission. 5"oi<//i America. The Argentine North American Cultural Institute, the leading institiition in Buenos Aires for the promotion of cultural interchange, has inaugurated a Film Section in which they plan to pre- sent a series of selected cultural and industrial films specially adapted to develop interest in such inter- change with the United States. The Argentine Gov- ernment has declared free of duty any films sent to the Institute, which has also arranged for the free transportation of the films from New York to Buenos Aires. .After they have been presented in cities of .Argentina, the Institute will return the films to the institutions or firms loaning them. Canada —Motion pictures, still films, film strips tnd lantern slides are finding an mcreased use in the schools of Canadian cities, but, in the majority of cases, the use is experimental or occasional only. .Among 197 school systems in cities of over 5.000 jx)j)uIation. 91 (Concluded on page 105) Mount Your LANTEHN Slides With The Help ol THE S & S LANTERN SLIDE VISE Moat itttitij 0DO»tnactJ<m. wiii oot tip o%n «bai beuic med. 1(7 lim^m • lUBpto lenr. Uk lUda cmn qalcklj be la- rablnr re«t keep tiie Tiie in poeiiloti on ear table wtface. nil! ■iiiiiMBiBaiu all iliee of lanleni itidai. BeeuttTul Mack and iliiifi flaleii. PRICE (3.M (t4.M Cast a« tfee Rackies) rder from roar local dealer or write to SPINDLER & SAUPPE. Inc. San Francisco Los Angeles Sound and Silent 16 mm. Films for instruction and entertainment in classroom or auditorium Features — Short Subjects available from the largest film library in the middle west Lowest renial' prices Sead for complete catalogs IDEAL PICTURES CORPORATION 28 E. EIGHTH ST.. CHtCAOO. ILL