The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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November, 19)8 Page 303 ELECTROL Great MUSICALS in 16mm. SOUND-ON-FILM * Features * The Life and Loves of BEETHOVEN A "must" film. The deeply moving s+ory of Beethoven superbly portrayed by Harry Baur, with Beethoven's music played by the orchestra at the Conservatoire de Paris. Study guide available. APRIL ROMANCE The triumphs and drama that inspired the immortal melodies of Franz Schubert, with the world-renowned tenor, Richard Tauber, in the title role. LET'S SING AGAIN Starring BOBBY BREEN A musical drama of unusual excellence featuring the glorious voice of radio's famous child prodigy. * S/iorts * MUSICAL MOODS Presenting noted symphony conductors such as Hans Lange, Gustave Haenschen, Rossario Bourdon. Subjects are: Liebestraum, Dance of the Hours, Bach's Air for G String (with Doris Humphrey dancers), Ave Maria and Brahms' Valse in A Hat. WALTER DAMROSCH Violins and Cellos Archaic and Unusual InstrumentB and over 100 other musicals available Send ior ca<aloq of over 1200 Educational and Entertainment subjects — tot rent or sole. WALTER 0. GUTLOHNinc 35 W. 45th St. Dept Ell New York •^#' I The Motor Driven REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.) ELECTROL SCREEN Is Built to Give Extra Long Service • when you choose Da-Lite Electrol Screens for large classrooms and auditor- iums, your investment is -well protected. The screen is housed in a case to protect it from dust when not in use. It is lowered by electrical control, w^hich assures even rolling and movement at a constant speed. The Electrol can never fly up accidentally and become damaged in rewinding. It stops automatically w^hen it is com- pletely rewound or completely lowered. It also can be stopped at intermediate points '(vhenever desired merely by turning the switch of the remote control. This can be placed anywhere in the room. The Electrol is available in all sizes up to 20' by 20' with -white or Da-Lite Glass Beaded surfaces. Write for details. One of Many Styles in the Da-Lite Line Da-Lite Screens include spring-mounted models, in many styles—hanging box-type table units and the famous Challenger ^'hich has a tripod permanently and pivot- ally attached to the case and can be set up instantly anyw^here. There are styles and sizes for every projection requirement. Write for the Da-Lite catalog and name of nearest dealer. Da-Lite Screen Co., inc. Manufacturers of Theatrical and Non-Professional Screens wHth all Types of Surfaces and Mountings Dept. 11ES. 2723 N. Crawford Ave. Chicago. III.