The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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December, 19 3 S Page 343 16MM. SOUND ON FILM for RE>T — EXCHA:%GE — SALE A few of our Large Catalogue of R E !% T A L SUBJECTS THE LOST Jl XGLE * KEEPER OF THE BEES • GALLAXT FOOL ♦ THE GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST • I CON- QUER THE SEA • MILLION DOLLAR BABY * IN- OLD 6ANTE FE • EAT "EM ALIVE ♦ CITY LIMITS ♦ MAX-S BEST FRIEND • KENTICKY BLUE STREAK ♦ SILENT ENEMY * JANE EYRE ♦ KLONDIKE ♦ RISTLERS PARADISE • HEARTS OF HUMANITY • RETIRN OF CASEY JONES * MIDNIGHT PHANTOM ♦ NOW OR NEVER • THIRTEENTH GUEST • RED HAIRED ALIBI * all PETER B. KYNES SUBJECTS • all TOM TYLER. JACK PERRIN and JACK HOXIE'S WEST- ERNIS • all RICHARD TALMADGE'S pictnrcs • and RLN TIN TIN. Jr. .\ltoc«tlier !>• Featnres and 4M SiMrts Iron which to pick yoar prarraau Hot Ome MeJiocre Picture im Our Uhrtry Film RenUI Catalocnc — Filai Sale Catalocac Write ioT them CINE CLASSIC LIBRARY BROOKLYN. N. Y. IMI JEFFERSON AVE. THE NEW "MUST' FILM FOR EVERY AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION — FKIEDRICH WOLF'S — PROFESSOR MAMLOCK • A CRISH1\G I>DICT>IE>T * OF ^.AZl TERROR Brilliant Full Length Production Available 16mm and 35mm Sound GARRISON FILMS 1600 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY ••XEWS PAKADF OF 193 8'* Imperfamt news events ia review— I6nni soand or sifenf 1939 sound film catalog now available — new low prices. Write for tree copy. LeuLs Film Sorvicp. 105 First St. Y^iehita. 35 HUM. General Science, 11 rolls. $80 FILM Prindples of Physics, 7 rolls. $12 SLIDES Principles of Chemistry, 8 rolls, $14 Otdar on apprortd or Band ior ire* folder and Komple VISUAL SCIENCES, Suifem. New York Complete with lens, lamp. Rewind Take- Up, double slide carrier, and carrj-ing case, the Model A.\ retails for $57.50. The Mcdd CC. complete with lamp, lens, double slide carrier, and case, but without the Rewind Take-Up. retails for $35. For further details write the Societj- for Visual Education, Inc., 327 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois. DeVry Development The DeVry Corporation, Chicago, an- nounces a new projector development which enables the handling of new "green" film without processing. It is stated that the film now literally -floats" through the entire picture and sound mechanism, due to two recent develop- ments known as dual stabilizer and auto- matic loop control and that the above changes represent distinct departures from conventional projector design, and have been shown in exhaustive tests to elim- inate difficulties prexiously encountered in projecting untreated film. Current Film Releases (Loncluded jrom page 338J spring tongue in hopeless search for food from the cloth and paper. Butter- flies la>-ing their eggs on leaves will select only green or blue-green leaves and in\-ariably test the leaf by "drumming" with the forel^s before oxnpositing. One species, preferring tree bark as its egg depository-, selects its green leaf, "dnmis," then flies to nearest tree to lay, thus insuring the coming caterpillar the short- est possible trip to its first meal. Strange \-ariation5 in courtship amcHig different species are shown. The dangers from the butterfly's enemies are pictured in the attack of the dragonfly upon the Imagoes. \ particularly grim bit is the vicious onslaught of the big parasitic wasp that lays its fatal eggs in the body of the Swallo«-tail caterpillar as the latter fran- tically but vainly defends itself by des- pwate tosses of forked tubes protruded from its head like horns. Significant material, these films, as ex- amples of the potentialities of color- monies in recording and darifjing the results of the laboratory. For the present, they are bdng shown only in connection with Dr. Ilse"s lectures before science departments at the University of Chicago, Cornell University, University of Illinois and elsewhere. The Xew York Katural History Museum has booked the films fcM* showii^s next spring. It is to be hoped that adequate distribution arrangements can be made to make them available to the getieral educational field, for the sub- ject-matter, with its adequate titling, is informational and illuminating for less scholarly audiences, quite apart from its significance as scientific research. X. L. G. Virginia Produces More Subjects Four new educational motion pictures about Virginia subjects have been added to the film library of the Virginia Con- servation Commission. Richmond, for distribution on a free loan basis. George Washington's Virginia and George Washingfon's Mount Vernon are companion pictures and are distributed together. They have a combined showing time of about forty-five minutes. The first shows the principal places in Vir- ginia associated with the life and \-aried activities of the first president. The second is confined to Washington's beau- tiful home overlooking the Potomac River. These films are sound productions, available in both 16mm and 35mm. The Beautiful Caxfms of Luray is the title of a 16mm sound film of two reels. The picture is done partly in natural color. Narration in these three productions is by Mr. Havrilla. The historic and scenic attractions of Lexington and nearby Natural Bridge are embodied in a new 16mm silent reel, including scenes of Washington & Lee University and the Virginia Militarj- Institute, at Lexing- ton. The Colonial Xalional Historical Park, now in production, portrays James- town, the nation's birthplace: Colonial Williamsburg, restored to its setting in colonial days, and Vorktown, the .Ameri- can Revolutionist's surrender grounds. It will be a reel and a half in length, and will be available in 16mm silent and sound. Gutlohn Releases French Pictures Walter O. Gutlohn, Inc., national dis- tributors of 16mm. sound films, announce the creation of a separate department for the release of French films in co-opera- tion with the French Cinema Center, headed by .\ndre Hej-mann who will be in personal charge. Xlr. Hejinann who has founded the French Cinema Center has obtained exclusive rights to many important French educational films. Ammg them are several that have been aivarded the First Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1937. Some of these pictures are now available; others are to be released shortly. A list of them is available from Walter O. Gutlohn, Inc., 35 West 45th St., New York.