The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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April, 1940 (a iXHUM BAUSCH & LOME EYEWEAR, TOO Accuracy —and then more accuracy! That is the demand which Science, Education and Industry for years have placed upon optical instruments. In answering that de- mand, Bausch & Lomb has formed the habit of accuracy —a habit which is largely responsible for the excellence of every B&Lproduct. Millions of eyeglass lenses a year, used to multiply the seeing power of mankind, are manufactured by the organization respon- sible for B&L instruments. Such products as Orthogon corrected lenses, Panoptik Bifocals, Loxit Mountings, Nokrome Glass, and a wide variety of Ophthal- mic Instruments areBausch&Lomb contributions to better eyesight. That is why you should insist on Orthogon Lenses and B&L Frames and Mountings in your eyeglasses. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 688 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. BAUSCH &- LOMB fOR VOUR EVES, INSIST ON BAUSCH « LOMB EYEWEAR, MADE fROM BAUSCH ft LOMB GLASS TO BAUSCH « LOMB HIGH STANDARDS OF PRECISION ......... ^P