The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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January, 1943 Page 25 KEYSTONE Follows the Up-to-Date Needs ol Education Despite the overwhelming military needs of today, schools have the obligation of preparing the pupils of today for the, perhaps, more over- whelming demands of tomorrow. In this obligation what is more important than to familiarize students with our outposts and our friendly and allied neighbors? Keystone offers units—25 stereographs or 25 lantern slides to each unit—as follows: OUR OUTPOSTS 19A Hawaii 19B Alaslta 19C The Philippines OUR FRIENDLY AND ALLIED NEIGHBORS {Un]ii published }n recent years.) No. 20 Our Neighbors in Eastern Canada No. 23 Living in the Caribbean Lands No. 21 Our Neighbors in Western ^°- ^^ I^« East-Coast Countries of South - America No. 25 The West-Coast Countries of South Anierica (Units publlshatl very recenffy.) and Northern Canada No. 22 Our Mexican Neighbors No. 22A Cuba and the West Indies No. 23A Central America No. 25A Venezuela, Colombia, Trinidad, Curacao, and the Guianas No. 25B Brazil No. 25C Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay No. 25D Peru and Ecuador No. 25E Chile and Bolivia Title Lists and Other Additional Information Will Be Sent upon Request Keystone View Company Meadville, Penna.