The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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January, 194} Page 3 3 Americans Latest Educational Movie Novelty. f OVIE UIZ A new series oi single- reel subjects for non- theatrical use, com- bining fascinating entertainment with useful information. Test "10" with "MO 7> WUcU 9l ''Mouie 2uif,? n "Movie Quiz" is a simple, iascinalinq, educational film innovation which will bring to school, church or club program oil the popular appeal oi the radio quiz. It is a series of single-reel films, each covering a variety of subject matter—travel, sports, science, expeditions, current events, and the like. Each subject poses a series of eight questions based on the material shown, with the audience invited by the film's narrator to answer them by use of notched cards which are distributed before the start oi the film progrcmi. "Movie Quiz" is recommended as a highly entertaining and informative series of films for the assembly or community night program. Write today for further information and rental rates. >lvailabfe onfy from IDEAL PICTURES CORPORATION fftrough ifs offices and afflllate% as follewt: IDEAL PICTURES CORP. IDEAL PICTURES CORP 28 E. Eighth Street. Chicago. III. 18 S. Srd St., Memphis, Tenn. IDEAL PICTURES CORP.. 2408 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Calif. IDEAL PICTURES CORP., 1739 Oneida St., Denver, Colo. STEVENS-IDEAL PICTURES, 89 Cone St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. IREAL PICTURES CO.. 36S3 Bishop St., EI Paso. Texas. NATIONAL-IDEAL PICTURES, INC., 2024 Main St., Dallas, Texas. OWENS-IDEAL PICTURES (Drawer H, Milwaukee Branch), Portland, Oregon. IDEAL SOUTHERN 16MM PICTURES CO.. 172 N. E. 96lh SI., Miami, Florida. IDEAL-SOUTHERN 16MM PICTURES CO.. 2244 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. BERTRAM WIILOUGHBY PICTURES. Inc., 1600 Broadway, New York City. CINEMA, INCORPORATED, 234 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.