The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Additional Valuable Literature — "1000 AND ONE"—The Blue Book of Films "1000 and ONE" The Blue Book of Non-Theatrical Films, published annually is famous in the field of visual instruction as the standard film reference source, indispensable to film users in the educational field. The NEW EIGHTEENTH EDITION lists and describes over 5,000 films, classified into 176 different subject groups (including large groups of enter- tainment subjects). A valuable feature is a complete alpha- betical list of every film title in the directory. Other infor- mation includes designation of whether a film is available in 16mm, or 35mm, silent or sound, number of reels and sources distributing the films, with range of prices charged. 132 pp. Paper. Price 75c. (25c to E. S. subscribers) FILM EVALUATION SUPPLEMENTS TO "1000 and ONE" under The National Film Evaluation Project A new and unique service to the teaching field. Film Evalua- tions made by nation-wide Judging Committee of over 500 teachers after actual use of the films with classes. Each Supplement consists of 50 standard-size library cards carrying detailed evaluations of 50 films, based on combined scores of 15 or more teachers on each film. Three Supplements have appeared to date. Another appears as soon as 50 more films attain their quota of 15 or more scores. Price per Supplement—50 cards in carton, serially numbered 1 to 50. 51 to 100, 101 to 150, etc.. with full explanations ac- companying, 50 cents (postpaid if cash with order.) VISUALIZING THE CURRICULUM By C. F. Hoban, C. F. Hoban, Jr., and S. B. Zisman. Presents in theory and in practice the basic methodology of visual instruction in relation to classroom procedure. Pro- vides an abundance of technical guidance in the form of illustrative drawings of photographs, reports of school journeys, suggestions for mounting materials, for making slides, film strips, etc. It incorporates up-to-date material, provides a fine balance in the treatment of various teaching aids, evaluates various types of aids, and defines the functions and values of each in the learning process. 320 pp. Cloth. Illus. Price $2.75.(20% discount to schools) THE AUDIO-VISUAL HANDBOOK (4th Edition) By Ellsworth C. Dent Presents in convenient form, practical information for those interested in applying visual and audio-visual aids to instruction. The six chapters include discussions on "The Status of Visual Instruction," "Types of Visual Aids and Their Use," "Types of Audio-Visual Aids to Instruction," "Types of Sound Aids for Schools." "Organizing the Audio- \''isual Service." "Source List of Materials and Equipment." 212 pp. Illus. Cloth. Price $1.75 AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS TO INSTRUCTION By Harry C McKown and Alvin B. Roberts A practical volume which shows the teacher and adminis- trator how to select, organize, and utilize audio-visual aids of all types, in all subjects, and at all levels, from kindergarten through the twelfth grade. Primary emphasis is on actual practice and every effort has been made to include specific information and advice which will be most helpful in the classroom. 384pp. Cloth. Illus. Price $3.00 PICTURE VALUES IN EDUCATION By Joseph J. Weber. Ph. D. Presents in unusually interesting form the results of the extended investigations on the teaching values of the lantern slide and stereograph. 156 pp. Cloth. Illus. Price $1.00 (67c to E. S. subscribers) AN ALTERNATIVE FOR REVOLUTION AND WAR By Albert E. Osborne. A stimulating, wide-range view of the higher potentialities of visual instruction in promoting world harmony by a "more humanity-centered education." A pertinent reply to H. G. Well's dictum that the "future is a race between education and catastrophe." 124 pp. Cloth. Price $1.25. EVALUATION OF STILL PICTURES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL USE. By Lelia Trolinger A full presentation of the latest piece of research on de- termination of teaching values of pictures. Development of the Score Card and elaborate experiment in use of same. Full documentation, tabulation of results, and appendices. The latest, most complete and scholarly investigation of a problem in the visual teaching field that has long needed such a solution. 48 pp. Paper Illus. Price 50c. PRODUCING SCHOOL MOVIES By Eleanor Child and Hardy R. Finch Based on first-hand experiences of the authors and those of many other teachers and movie enthusiasts. Chapters are "Organization (of a Club); Choosing the Idea; The Scenario; Buying Equipment; Using the Equipment; Filming the Pic- ture; Advanced Techniques; Final Preparation and Showing. A welcome book to those who want movie-making explained in simple terms. 151 pp. Paper. Illus. Price $1.50. SELECTED FILMS FOR AMERICAN HISTORY AND PROBLEMS. By William H. Hartley Part I gives directions for obtaining, evaluating and utiliz- ing films. Part II comprises a fully annotated catalog of the most useful films for illustrating various aspects of American Civilization. Title of film, length, whether sound or silent, production date, producer, sale and rental price and grade level suitability, are given. Also synopsis of film content. Suggestions are oflfered concerning most effective application of the film to the teaching situation. 275 pp. Cloth. Price $2.25. THE USE OF VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING By Ella Callista Clark, Ph. D. 24 pp. Paper Illus. Price 2Sc. Brief, clear, concise, authoritative. An attractively printed manual of procedure for all visual aids in teaching, with stimulating suggestions for the inexperienced teachers as well as for the veteran. HOW TO MAKE HAND-MADE LANTERN SLIDES By G. E. Hamilton 24 pp. Paper. Price 10c. THE STEREOGRAPH and LANTERN SLIDE IN EDUCATION. By G. E. Hamilton. The most comprehensive discussion yet published. 47 pp. Paper. Price 15c. TO ORDER, Check Material To fiubscribers Price of E. S. "1000 and One" Film Directory t .78 0 I .2Bn Film Evaluation Supplements No. 1. No. 2. and No. 3 1.60 Q 1.50 D VisnalizinE the Curriculum 2.75 □ 2.76 □ (To Schools) 2.20 O 2.20 O The Audio-Visual Handbook 1.75 Fl 1.76 11 .Audio-Visual Aids to Instruction 3.00 □ 3.00 □ An Alternative for Revolution and War 1.25 □ 1.25 O Picture Values in Education 1.00 D .67 Q Evaluation of Still Pictures M\2 .80 D ProducinK School Movies 1.80 Q 1.50D Selected Films for American History 2.25 0 2.25 O Use of Visual Aids in Teachingr 26 0 .28 O Stereograph and Lantern Slide in Education .18 O -15 O How to Make Handmade Lantern Slides 10 O .10 O De.sired and Fill in Blank Below Subscription to THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN U. S. 1 year, $2.00 D Foreign 1 year, $3.00 D Canada 1 year, $2.50 D Educational Screen 64 E. Lake St., Chicago I have indicated items desired and enclose check for $. 2 years. $3.00 D 2 years, $5.00 D 2 years, $4.00 D Name School or Street City - State.