The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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May, 1943 Page 161 MOVIES ARE EAGERLY AWAITED at our far distant outposts riio roar of a huge I . S. Patrol l)onil»er ploughing to a stop in the harbor is always welcome music to American fighters at faraway bases. Among other things, it means mail from home and a fresh supply of the latest motion picttire releases! Kvery inch of space in our vast fleet of cargo planes is precious—is urgently needed for transporting vital medical supplies and important war materials. Still our government considers motion pictures so valuable to the mainte- nance of high morale in the U. S. armed forces that the latest films, in 16mm. versions, are classed as a "must" for our wartime skyway freight lines. Thousands of Ampro projectors are being utilized in a vast 16mm. motion picture program for training and en- terlainiiig I nited Nation soldiers on both lighting and production fronts. Still more projectors are needed! Pri- vate owners of 16mni. projectors are urged to contact Civilian Defense au- thorilies in their icx'al communities and enlist llieir ma<-hines in this vital w artime program. ]00% of Ampro facilities are en- gaged in the pr<Mluction of [)rojector8 and precision war equipment for the I nited Nations. Ampro engineering research continues unditninished—as- suring civilian Jisers more efficient projectors than ever wlien tlie war is over. Inthemeantiri'.eyoucanplanfor the future bv keeping up» ith the new- est developments in 16nnn. projectors. W rite today for latest Ampro Catalog! The above dual unit Ampro- sounds ore typical of those used in "special services" overseas The Ampro Corporation, 2837 N. Western Ave., Chicago, 111. > AM FRO* PRECISION CINE EQUIPMENT