The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Is my school's projector doing its patriotic duty? America needs your school projector— needs it NOW.' Don't let it stand idle. Don't let it collect dust behind locked doors when there are so many vitally important jobs for it to do in this hour of national emergency. Keep it busy in and out of the classroom! If your school is not going to be open for summer classes, place your school projector at the disposal of community groups and organizations. They need it. . . for training new recruits to war production jobs . . . for showing films that keep America's fighting spirit at peak . . . and for many other important contributions to all-out war effort. Wealth of subject material available through FILMOSOUND Library You'll find it inspirational to peruse the Filmosound Library Catalog and latest bulletins on films now^ available through your B&H Visual Education dealer and the Filmosound Library. There are liter- ally thousands from which to choose, covering every subject. You'll be sur- prised at the progress and improvement which have been made in educational and recreational films. Send for catalog! BUY WAR BONDS "C" FOK BXCELLENCE . . . one-reel sound film showing how Army-Navy Award for extraordinary performance is won and pre- sented. Service charge 50c. Bell & Howell Co., Chicago; New York; Hollywood; Washington, D. C; London. Est. 1907 MOTION P I C T U R e CAMERAS AND PROJECTORS PRECISION-MADE BY Newest Filmosound, typical Bell & Howell achievement in that it maintains B&H tra- ditional performance standards with very limited use of critical materials. Available at present to armed forces only, RECONDITIONING SERVICE-if your Filmo Projector needs reconditioning, send it in to the factory during the summer months so that it will be ready for use when school reopens next fall. AH work is done by factory-trained technicians. The machine will be returned to you like new. See your B&H Visual Education dealer for further de- tails and assistance in shipping. NEW LAMPS cannot be supplied except when old lamp accompanies your order. BELL & HOWELL CO. 1817 Larcbmont Ave., Chicago. IlL Without obligation, please send me: ( ) Filmosound Library Catalog Supplement 1943A listing preinductlon and other new training films. ( ) Data on Emergency First Aid Films. { ) Catalog of British Information Service films. ( ) Educational film catalog. ( ) Detailed Information on Reconditioning Service. 1 now have have not your 1942 film catalogs. Name Address. City