The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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The EDUCATIONAL SCREEN THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN SUS Nelson* L. Greene, - - - Editor-in-Chief Evelyn J. Baker - Advertising Manager Josephine Hoffman - - Office Manager Department Editors John E. Dugan - Haddon Heights, N. J. Donald A. Eldridge - New Haven, Conn. WiLBER Emmest ... - Indiana Pa. Hardy R. Finch - - Greenwich, Conn. Ann Gale Chicago, 111. David Goodman - - New York, N. Y. Josephine Hoffman - - - Chicago, 111. L. C. Larson ... Bloomington, Ind. F. Dean McClusky - Scarborough, N. Y. Etta Scbneidek - - New York, N. Y. Editorial Advisory Board Ward C. Bowen, Chief, Bureau of Radio and Visual Aids, State Education De- partment, Albany, N. Y. Marian Evans, Director, Visual Instruction Center, Public Schools. San Diego, Calif. W. M. Gregory, Western Reserve Univer- sity, Cleveland, Ohio. J. K. Hansen, Chief, Bureau of Visual Instruction, Extension Division, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. James S. Kinder. Director PCW Film Service, Pennsylvania College for Women, Pittsburgh, Pa. Boyd B. Rakestraw, .Assistant Director Extension Division, University of Cal- ifornia, Berkeley, Calif. Paul C. Reed, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C. Maj. W. Gayle Starnes, Chief. Training Division, Signal Corps Depot, Lexing- ton, Ky. Lelia Trolincer. Secretary, Bureau of Visual Instruction, Extension Division, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. W. W. Whittinghill, Director of Trans- portation, Board of Education, Detroit, Mich. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Domasiic $2.00 C«n«d« „ «^ Foreign _ $3.00 SinqU Copitt 25 OCTOBER. 1943 NUMBER EIGHT WHOLE NUMBER 215 VOLUME XXII Contents Cover Picture —Autumn Woods (Photograph by George F. Johnson) To Your Health, Josel Maurice Feuerlicht 285 Visual Aids for Mental Hygiene John B. Geisel 289 Freyda Nacque-Adler 292 Study of "Bambi" Inspires Movie Adaptation The Film and International Understanding Edited by John E. Dugan 293 Motion Pictures—Not for Theatres Arthur Edwin Knows 295 The Post-War World Here- in Hand-Made Lantern Slides Ann Sale 298 School-Made Motion Pictures Conducted by Hardy R. Finch 299 The Literature in Visual Instruction A Monthly Digest Conducted by Etta Schneider 304 Experimental Research in Audio-Visual Education Conducted by David Goodman 306 News and Notes Conducted by Josephine Hoffman 308 New Films of the Month Conducted by L. C. Larson 310 Current Film News 316 Among the Producers „ 318 Here They Arel A Trade Directory for the Visual Field 320 The EDUCATIONAL SCREEN publislied monthly except July and August by The Edueationel Screen, Inc. Publication Office, Pontlac, llllnoii; Executive Office, 64 East Lake St., Chicago, lllinoit. Entered at the Pott Office at Pontiac, lllinoit, at Second Class Matter. Address communications to The Educational Screen, 64 East Lake St., Chicago, ML