The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Page 358 The Educational Screen American troops landing under fire at Salerno. "Jitm J\[, (Official U. S. Navy photo from Acme) Casile 1943 News Parade ALL the momentous liappenings in world affairs since the beginning of this year are visualized in News Parade of the Year — 1943. which has just been released by Castle Films, Inc., 30 Rocke- feller Plaza, New York City. As in previous AVic Parades, this popu- lar annual release skillfully compresses the year's history into a single reel. Every event of outstanding importance is por- trayed, including such unusual motion pictures as the wrecking of the French fleet at Toulon, taken by German news- reel cameramen, scenes from Russia of the great summer offensive, battles with U-boats in the Atlantic, MacArthur's two-prong drive in the Solomons and New Guinea, and scenes taken from Fly- ing Fortresses while bombing German war plants. In addition to the many schools wliich regularly include this significant film document in their permanent libraries of films, it is also used extensively by the Armed services in camps and battlefront rest areas because of its informative and morale-building values. The AVii'j Parade is available in 8mm silent, 16mm silent and sound film. Flying Fortresses over Stuttgart (Press Asso.) (Acme) Allied soldiers troop past the New Ruins of Paestum, in the Naples area. £074. ■ Kodak Company. Roches- ter, New York, in cooperation with Colonial Williamsburg, has produced an experimental documentary film on Eighteenth Century Life in Williams- burg, Virginia — 4 reels in 16mm Kodachronie and sound. The picture is unique in focusing exclusively on the eighteenth century manner of liv- ing. It has no plot, no exciting epi- sodes. In it the clock is simply turned back a couple of hundred years to let us experience a day in a typical colonial town. It gives a vivid and historically accurate picture of our colonial era. No attempt is made to review the history of Williamsburg^ or to tell the story of its rebirth. The primary pur- pose of the film is to show modern Americans the type of soil in which the seeds of our liberty and democracy were planted. The film furnishes an interesting demonstration of the effective way motion pictures can teach history, to adults as well as children, through an intelligent use of the facilities of mu- seums, educational institutions and cul- tural shrines. The four reels are arranged in three units—"Home Life" (comprising 2 reels), "Eighteenth Century Cabinet making," and "Community Life." Each may be purchased separately. The film is offered to educational institutions without charge for single showings. I-"or complete information write to the Eastman Kodak Company, Informa- tional Films Division, Rochester, N. Y. ■ Waltek O. Gutlohn, Inc., 25W. 45th St, New York City, announces the 16mm sound release of one of Frank Buck's greatest wild animal pictures, called: Jungle Cavalcade —8 reels—a thrill- ing story of the Malay jungles combin- ing all the outstanding sequences of "Bring'Em Back Alive," "Wild Cargo" and "Fang and Claw." In the film are seen the daring capture of a giant orang-outang, the wild elephant hunt, a fight between a 30-foot python and a Royal Bengal tiger, the battle of a black panther with a crocodile, and other breath-taking scenes of wild life fighting for its existence. ■ Official Films, Inc., 625 Madison Ave., New York City, have issued Volume 4 of their 1943 News Thrills series, recording the following events in one reel: Irvasion of Europe —American and British troop landings on the European con'inent; r.aly Surrenders —events which fol- lowed the fall of Mussolini; Ploesti Bombed —the big raid on the Rumanian oil fields. Also just released by Official are two new Sportbeanis, namely: Wrestling Thrills —the world's old- est sport as practiced today; (Concluded on page 362)