The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Page 360 The Educational Screen czn-moncj ins iJ^%oducE%± New List oi Slideiilms ior Pre-Induction Training Courses The Pre-Induction Training Section of the War Department and the U. S. Office of Education have cooperated in reviewing, selecting and listing visual training aids for PIT courses. The various slidefilm and motion-picture pro- ducers and distributors are assisting in making this list available to all schools. In the meantime, the Society for Visual Education, Inc., has prepared a special list of the S.V.E. slidefilms, selected for PIT courses. The list is available for free distribution. The S.V.E. list includes several sub- jects in each of the following funda- mentals: Pre-Flight, Physical Fitness, Electricity, Radio, Machines, Shop Work and Automotive Mechanics. The list also includes three new slidefilms on Job Opportunities in the Military and Mari- time Services, and three in Elementary Meteorology, which are in great demand among schools. The S.V.E. Aircraft Identification Kit, which was prepared by the aviation experts on the staff of Flying, is be- ing kept up-to-date by the addition of new aircraft silhouettes as rapidly as information becomes available. Silhou- ettes of five additional aircraft are now available. These include the following: 118—Lockheed Hudson (A-39,PBO), 119—Boeing Sea Ranger (PBB,)120— Heinkel He-113, 121—Heinkel He-115, 122—Fieseler Storch (Fi-156K.) There are three silhouettes of each aircraft —bottom, side and head-on views.. The Instructor's Manual, to accompany the Aircraft Identification Kit, has been re- vised and brought up-to-date. It is avail- able without charge to those who have purchased tlie kits earlier and is furnished to others at 25 cents a copy. Copies of the printed folder, "Slide- films for Pre-Induction Training," may be secured from the Society for Visual Education, Inc., 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois. DeVry Smm Design Competition Wide and favorable has been the re- ception of DeVry Corporation's Smm Camera & Projector Design Competition, which seeks ideas for postwar's general- purpose motion picture equipment, accord- ing to W. C. DeVry, the company's president. The competition closes at midnight December 31st. It offers $1500.00 in U.S. War Bonds (maturity value) for camera and projector de- sign ideas and mechanical refinements. Amateurs are assured equal opportunity with professional camerman and project- ionist to share awards that rate drawing or mechanical skill secondary to the mechanical or design idea suggested by the contestant. Ideas that make for easier filming and projecting are de- sired. "The war is bringing thousands of men and women within range of the mechanics of motion picture taking, developing and projection," says Mr. DeVry. "These thousands will return to civilian life with new interests, new hobbies. We have every reason to believe that for new thousands, one of these new interests will be amateur movies." Mr. DeVry traces the development of other-than-professional Hollywood type 35mm motion pictures through less costly 16mm filming and projection. "The present ultimate of combined economy and effective results for the average individual is the Smm," he says. "Its postwar potentiality is difficult to esti- mate." According to Mr. DeVry, the need is for further streamlining of camera and pro- jector design toward easier portability and accessibility of camera, and perhaps increased decorative practicability of pro- jectors for home use. Slidefilm Unit on Mathematics In recognition of the vital importance of mathematics in connection with many phases of wartime training and educa- tion, and particularly in the field of aeronautics, the Jam Handy Corpora- tion, 2900 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, has created a series of slidefilms Light on Mathematics, now available to instructors everywhere. There are 24 subjects in the series, with a total of 1187 separate illustra- tions—drawings, special photographs, charts, diagrams and pictorial exhibits. Intended primarily as a "refresher" course '11 the fundamentals of the subject, the series is designed to have a wide range of utility in the present emergency, par- ticularly along the lines of technological studies most of which must rest upon a l( tk. COMMON DENOMINATOR U hi9k.r tti 'As? I. MULTIPLY THE MULTIPUGIIS. (2 x f)" 10 iNuMinAtaia) 1. MULTin.Y THE DIVISOIIS. (3 * 8)> 24 talNOUINATOtS) 3. DIVIDE THE MULTIMJERS ,„ . --_ 10 BY THE DIVISORS. '" ' *• . IT Slidefilms from mathematics series solid groundwork in mathematics. An- alogy is freely used throughout, simpli- fying the process of refreshing the student on processes and concepts mastered by filling in many of the gaps in learning and in posing new concepts and developing new skills prerequisite to special training lor wartime. The series provides (a) new material for direct teaching (b) for review (c) for examinations, and reteaching in regular math classes—arithmetic, algebra and geometry and trigonometry—and has been designed to aid the instructor in reducing 12 years of elementary and high school mathematics to its simplest, basic elements. Letterings, legends and labels superimposed on the films elaborate and clarify the subject matter. Titles of the 24 subjects are: "Five Keys to Mathematics," "Addition and Subtraction," "Multiplication and Divi- sion," "Fractions, Decimals and Per- centages," "Addition and Subtraction of Fractions," "Multiplication and Di- vision of Fractions," "Squart Roots," "Order of Operations," ".\ddition and Subtraction in Geometry," "Multiplica- tion and Division in Geometry," "An- gular Measurement," "Constructions," "Scales and Models," "Vectors," "Trigonometry," "Positive and Nega- tive Numbers," "Rations and Propor- tions," "Exponents and Logarithms," "Arithmetic of .Algebra," "Equations and Formulas," "Problem Analysis," "Graph Uses," "Plotting Graphs," ".Analytic Geometry." $50.00 Prize "Film-Idea" Contest Audio-Film Studios, 1614 Washing- ton Street, ^'ancouver, Washington, offers a prize of $50.00 in a contest for the best outline submitted for a movie to be produced by this organi- zation for school showing. The con- test is open to "any member of the teaching profession," and the rules call for a detailed outline of a motion picture the contestant would like to see made for the school screen. It can be curricular or non-curricular in content. It will be judged on wide appeal, long- term value, originality and production feasibility. Only one outline will be selected, but contestants may submit more than one idea. Mr. L. N. Chris- tiansen, head of Audio-Film Studios states: "I believe that a film produced from an outline most representative of a large number of teachers' ideas as to type of film they would like to see produced, would be of real interest to schools generally, and I feel this con- test should bring some first-rate ma- terial." RCA Booklet on the School of Tomorrow Increased attention to audio-visual edu- cation in America's postwar schools is foreseen in a colorful 20-page brochure just published by the Educational De- partment of the RCA Victor Division, Radio Corporation of America, Camden, N. J. Anticipating this trend in the (Concluded on page 362)