The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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December, 194} Page 393 BUY MORE WAR BONDS Tomorrow—the World THE boys and girls who are in our schools today face the responsibility of conquering tomorrow's world... not with force but with the inielligencet utiderstanding and good-will developed through our great American system of free education. It's a heavy responsibility for these future citizens and for our American schools, too. But the schools are doing a splendid job in spite of wartime shortages of personnel and spite of the many impacts of war which make school management and even teaching itself difficult. But today's increased problems have not kept progressive school administrators and teachers from planning tomor- row's post-war improvements. All over the nation they are planning new buildings, renovations, new equipment.,. and they are showing special interest in the improved teaching tools being developed by RCA which will be available when peacetime production is resumed. TUNE IN "WHAT'S NIW?" RCA*s great new show, Saturday nights, 7 to 8, E.W.T,, Blue Network. Good schools will need better equipment for best teaching results VICTOR Records for Schools. Already ■ II <^tablish('d as an extremely useful -K-hing tool, Victor records are grow- ls nn »re and more popular in classroom Anrk Thousands of records are avait- uhle to help teachers in music, speech, trama, foreign languaees, history, !iterature and many other subjects. RCA Tubes and Tube Information. K<'A Tubes are the very brain of K.C.\ electronic equipment for si'hools, including radios, sound systems, television, phonographs, recording equipment and test equipment... dependable beyond question. Expertly engineered by men to whom "electronics" was a by-word more tnan a decade ago, RCA Tubes are produced by modern quantity methods which assure high quality at low cost. RCA Tube Information includes new tube announcements, manuals, bulletins, handbooks and other literature of special interest to teachers and students in which electronic principle* are presented and electronic equipment explained. RCA ISmrn Sound Projection for Schools. Since all R<'A production of 16mm sound projectors is being absorbed by the armed forces today, there are no new RCA projectors available. But thousands now in use continue to prove rugged endurance, ease of operation and fine projection of both image and sound. » RCA Victor Division—Educational Deportment RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA Camden, N. J. I I The Educational Dept., RCA Victor Division Radio Corporation of America, Camden, N. J. Gentlemen: Please send me a copy of your new book "Planning Tomorrow's Schools." Thank you. j Name.. I I School and Title.. City ..State..