The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Page 400 The Educational Screen A TIMELY HISTORICAL DRAMA A STORY 2000 YEARS OLD- WRITTEN FOR THIS VERY HOUR! "The Last Days of Pompeii" BASIL RATHBONE—PRESTON FOSTER—ALAN HALE Modem Warfare is being iought on the very spot in which this fihn takes place—Pompeii and Naples, 'neath Mt. Vesuvius. The clash of philosophies dramatized in this iilm is again in action TODAY in the present world conflict. Book this coUosal production NOW. Historical drama at its best! 10 reels . . . 16mm Sound. NOTE: Settings and props used in this production are un- surpassed in accuracy, and their educationol value alone makes the film a dynamic study of Ancient Roman archi- tecture, customs, amusements, dress, marketing, religion, social customs, political life, and the institution of slavery for conquered peoples. MANSE FILM LIBRARY cinlt„»o« i",. oh'o SLIDES General Science 11 rolls nm _,_-, Principles of Physics 7 rolls «)«> nun. Principles of Chemistry 8 rolls FILM Fundamentals of Biology 8 rolls Write for Folder ond Free Sample Strip VISUAL SCIENCES, ?^\ Suffern, Hew York COVARRO8IAS Important as visual education ... stimulating as on insight into a vital world area! A scientifically accurate, artistically direct study of Pacific ethnol- ogy, economy, art, botany, native housing and transportation, in brilliant color. SCHWABACHER-FREY 735 MARKET STREET-SAN FRANCISCO MAKE YOUR OWN TYPEWRITER SLIDES Use RADIO-MATS (Regular Size) or tlie NEW DUPLEX 2" x 2" on sale by Theatre Supply Dealers Write for Free Sample RADIO-MAT SLIDE CO.. Inc. 222 Oakridce Blvd., Daytona Beach, Fla. Photographic Equipment Association Meets A group of U. S. and Canadian representatives of the Photographic Mamitacturers and Distributors As- sociation met in Chicago October 20-21 to discuss post- war planning, export, taxation relief, credits, public re- lations, standardization, exploitation of new fields,' and other problems. President Oscar W'illard Ray of Times Appliance Co., Inc., New York City, presided. At the Ijasic materials session, speakers from nationally-known manufacturers of raw materials revealed new develop- ments for use in ]wst-war production. These talks were accompanied by pertinent motion j^ictures, includ- ing The W'orking of Magnesium, produced for the Army An Forces, the U. S. Steel picture The Making and Shaping of Steel, and Unfinished Rainbows, a film on aluminum. Also shown at another session were This Plastic Age, and the recently relea.sed Westing- house motion picture Electronics at Work. Mr. J. H. McXabb, president of Bell & Howell, ad- dressed the banquet gathering on "'Post War Merchan- dising Ethics in the Photographic Industry.'' Visual Workers in New Locations .\rch Mercev is leaving the Office (jf \\'ar Informa- tion, having received a lieutenant's commission in the Coast Guard. Mr. ^lercey has long been associated with Government film activities, lately serving the OfTice of ^^'ar Information as assistant to Lowell Mellett and then to Mr. Stanton Griffis. present chief of the OWI Bureau of Motion Pictures. L. C. L.XRSON has been granted a leave from Indiana University to take over his duties as Associate Director of the American Film Center and Chairman of the Ed- ucational Film Library .Association. Osc.\R Sams, formerly with the L^niversity of Ten- nessee, Division of University Extension, has been ap- pointed Chief of Distrilintion for the Museum of Mod- ern .Art Film Library, which is cooperating with the Ofifice of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. JoHx K. Hedces is -Acting Director of the Bureau of Visual Instruction at the State University of Iowa. Iowa City, .succeeding Lee Cochran, now a lieutenant in the Xavy and stationed at Seattle. Etta Schneider Ress. one of the Screen editors, has taken over Miss Margaret Kneerim's work at the New York University Film Li1)rary, during the latter's leave of absence. Miss Ruth Moline, formerly Secretary of the Bu- reau of .\udio-Visual Education, University of Ne- Ijraska, has been added to the staff of the Non-Theatri- cal Division, Bureau of Motion Pictures, Ofifice of War Information.