The educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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December, 194} Page 401 PEARL BUCK Says—"Shows better than any film I have yet seen, the story of the war a it has been experienced in China." 18 Min. Umm SOUND RENTAL $3.00 SALE—Apply l;l;M'liM!IJlH $00 BROtDWM HE* yORK ». H * The Literature in Visual Instruction (Continued from page 386) Kducation .Association, the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense anti others. Topics listed in the handbook include: civilian protection, civilian war siervices. industry, agriculture and labor; United Nations, and War morale films, j PROJECTION' Visual and Other Aids—Maurice P. Hunt, Kenton High School, Kenton. Ohio— The Social Studies, 34:321 Novem- ber, 1943. The first of a monthly section dealing with problems of audio-visual aids in the social studies. Go<jd advice is given in this number on the preparation of a special room for projection as a means of simplifying the routine. .A projection room can be totally darkened, equipped with proper outlets, table and screen and, if possible, a soundproof booth may be built to eliminate the noise of the machine. SOURCES OF IXFORM.\TIO.\ New Tools for Learning about War and Postwar Problems —New Tools for Learning, 280 Madison Avenue, N. Y. Id N. Y. r>4p. Free. A helpful catalog of films, pamphlets and recordings organ- ized around some of the vital problems of war and postwar living. These problems include the meaning of democracy, the United States at War, the Community at War, Getting to Know our Allies and Neighbors Better, the Enemy We Fight, and Postwar Planning. For those who prefer to look up materials in terms of the person using them, there is a section which lists titles for the teacher of social studies, the teacher of home economics, the guidance counsellor, the school principal, the P.T.A. chairman, and the like. ,\n alphabetized, annotated list of all materials mentioned in other sections is provided. Bibliography of Visual Aids for Pre-Induction Training- prepared jointly by the Civilian Pre-Induction Training Branch of the War Department and the Division of Visual Aids for War Training of tlic U. S. Office of Education. with the cooperation of the pro<lucers of the visual materials included. 80 pp. (printed) August, 1943. A carefully selected list of 500 films (16mm sound and silent) and filmstrips correlated for use with War Department PIT courses in Fundamentals of Electricity, Machines, Shop Work. Radio, and Automotive Mechanics, and valuable for use in courses in Pre-F'light .Aeronautics, and Physical Fitness. The visual aids included in this bibliography were selected from lists submitted by producers, and from catalogs and an- notated bibliographies. The films and filmstrips related to electricity, machines, shop work, radio, and automotive me- clianics were carefully appraised by heads of visual education departments, directors of film libraries, and teachers, who judged them in terms of their utility for specific purposes in the PIT courses. Information supplied on each listed item includes brief descrip- tion of contents, length (in running time for films, and in number of frames f<;>r filmstrips), date of production insofar as is known, purchase or rental charge, and producer. Ap- pendices give names and addresses of producers and distributors. This bibliography renders a real service to the pre-induction teacher, in providing appropriate visual materials with which to accelerate and facilitate instruction in these important train- ing courses. Copies may be obtained free from the Division of Visual Aids for War Training, U. S. Office of Education, Washington 25, D. C. You Can't Go To Rome — Bui You Can See THE STORY OF The VATICAN Produced by THE MARCH OF TIME A MUST for all creeds.' No picture more timelY'- THE STORY OF THE VATICAN is both informative and entertaining. Takes you where even the most privileged are barred as it unfolds the story of the smallest Sovereign State. Depicts the efforts of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to bring peace to a war-torn world. Shows the murals of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel . . . the wonders of the basilica of St. Peters ... the Vatican library, the Burial Crypts, the powerful Radio Station, Post Office and Shops. Highly recommended for school showings. 6 Reels, 16mm. Sound Availoble for Rental Send for Catalog of 3000 Enferfainment and Educational Subjeett avallablo for rental and sale. HJUJUM 'i' Uiii souMD \\y}^ ^- ^-T rrHiJi.n.i.iw 25 West 45th Street Dept. E-12 New York 19, N. Y. PROJECTORS are busy day and night risucUy aisistinq in the rapid troining oi the Talianl men daiendinq our country. Beside*, many Holmei' machine! aie affording recreation and entertainment to our far-ilung corps in their leisure hours, projecting for them films rem- iniscent oi home and happier days. To that end it is our privilege to dedicate the entire output of the Holmes' plant until such time at our operations may be restored to ciTilian uses. Erery consideration will be giren inquiries lor parts or replocements on existing Holmes' equipment. HOLMES PROJECTOR COMPANY MoHiifacturcrs of 16mni ond 35mm Sound on-nim Projoetors for ovor 25 yoors to DoaUrs and Usors 1813 ORCHARD STREET CHICAGO 14