The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Amateur Athletic Union Let America's TOP TRACK and FIELD STARS Help Train Your Team! 12 Reels of Brand New 16 mm Sound Films Produced in Collaboration with the U.S. Olympic Association and the A.A.U. Here, for the first time, is a truly comprehensive series of coaching films. Over a year in the mailing. Every bit of photography is new and especially shot for these productions. More than forty ranl(ing athletes, all of Olympic calibre, from coast to coast, participated by specific arrangement with the A.A.U. — under the personal supervision of Dan Ferris. Backed by extensive research into coaching methods, the films carefully show athletes of various ability and build — to make the lessons as widely applicable as possible. Where several accepted styles exist, each is shown, and the reasons for preference under stipulated conditions are made clear. The series is of tremendous value to those taking or giving track training, and, because of its engrossing method of presentation, has great general audience interest as well. Each of the 12 reels is $45. The cost of the entire series, if purchased at one time, is $475. r ^ United World Films, Inc., 445 Park Avenue, New York 22,N.Y. Please send me the following films: SEE YOUR UNITED WORLD DEALER OR SEND THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TODAY! HUE t^ "THE SPRINTS" (2 reels) "THE HURDLES" "POLE VAULT" "THE HIGH JUMP" "THE JAVEUN" "THE DISTANCES" mu v^ "THE SHUT-PUT" "THE OBCUS" "THE RELAYS" "THE BROAD JUMP" "THE MIDDLE OBTANCES" Distributors for Universal-International and J. Arthur Rank (ncorporofi'ng Bell & Howell Filmosound library & Castle Films 445 Park Avenue • New York 22. N. Y. Remittance enclosed D Nome Insflfutiofi Address City Ship C.O.D. D —Position Stat: I am Interested in the following film catalogues: Educational Q Recreational O Religious C E-3 March, 1948 133