The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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WVWAWiifliWVWiVkVWUV.%V-' Equipment Flame-Proof, Fungus-Proof Radiant Maiiulacturiiig Corporation. 2627 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, announces that two major projection screen hazards — fire and mildew — are overcome in the new Radiant glass-beaded fabric named "V'yna-Flect." Vyna-Flect, according to the announcement, gives complete safety from flame danger and mildew growth plus longerlasting whiteness and great improvement in brilliance. "Sound Reel" — New Audio Aid The "Sound Reel," a new magnetic tape recorder with one-hour continuous recording in one direction on a 1200-foot tape, has recently been introduced by Mark Simpson Manufacturing Company. "Masco" tape recorders are currently available in two models. Both models have separate inputs for recording from microphone, from radio, and from records. Playback is instantaneous. The same recording can be played back any number of times or it can be erased and a new recording made on the same ta|)e. Tape can be used over 5,000 times. Singletrack recording permits easy editing of tape, without concern about cutting out upper or lower track recording. Each model may also be used as a public address system. The one-hour tape record Masco Tape Recorder ers are available with or without builtin radio. "Masco" sound reel tape recorders arc sold through sound equipment dealers and distributors of Mark Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc., 32-28 49th St., Long Island City 3, N.Y. "Automatic" Sound Slidefilms At the 1949 National .Audio-Visual Convention in Chicago, R. L. Shoemaker of Operadio Manufacturing Company, St. Charles, Illinois, demonstrated a method of making low-cost "automatic" sound slidefilms. Known as the signalun-film method, the system is the basis of operation of Operadio's Explainette "Automatic 150" sound slidefilm projector. The tool that makes this method possible is the Explainette Syncljronizing Film Punch, developed by Operadio. By punching a signal window in the iiroper track on the film and at predetermined. HEUJ! STRnnCE! DIFFEREIIT! 3 16mm SPINE-TINGIERS in o uniquely different manner. Tlie subtle ortistry of Director William Cameron Menries addi new dimensions to awe and wonderment. POE ... FOR THE FIRST TIME in 16mm THE TELL-TALE HEART by Edgar Allan Poe with Richard Hart The eerie cloi.ic b, the father of the rtiy.lery ,tory masterfully interpreted and brilliontly acted Imoginotive photography captures perfectly the hountmg atmosphere of this foscinoling dromo! J reels, running time 17 minutes Prite: $50 00 COLLINS ... FOR THE FIRST TIME in 16mm A TERRIBLY STRANGE BED by Willkie Collins with Richard Greene and Roman Bohnen The hypnotic spell of Collins' Viclorion hair-raiser oboul a stronger in o strange, monstrous bed IS brought to the screen with oil its original potency. Price: $50.00 2 reels, running time 16 minutes MARIONETTE MYSTERY with Regis Toomey A new opproach to the mystery dromo. Done in miniature, with you, the oudience particigoling. You ore among the suspects. 3 reels, running time 31 minutes Pricet $60.00 Available at leading film libraries and dealers. Write our Dept. 33 for complete catalog of over 300 16mm sound pictures, shorts and features. KEEP POSTED WITH ^^ POST PICTURES CORP. 11 5 W. 45th St., Now York 19, N.Y. specified time intervals, an "automatic" film is processed. The focus frame, important to assure proper automatic operation, can be scratched into the emulsion of the film by means of the Explainette Focus Template. With this template it is possible to convert any manually-operated slidefilm to "automatic." On one side is the focus frame template, a guide for putting the focus frame in the proper place. On the other side is a time scale, divided in minutes and seconds. Directions for use are imprinted on the template. An aid in the production of automatic slidefilms is the DuKane Tape Recorder, the newest addition to the Operadio line. It permits inexpensive, on-the-spot recordings ; is easily edited and re-recorded onto records. Right to the Point Williams, Brown & Rarle, Inc., 918 Chestnut St., Philadcl|)hia, have developed and introduced an electric pointer that should prove a valuable companion to teacher and lecturer in the projection room. The pointer consists of a case and batteries with a built-in optical system permitting focusing from any location. It is so designed that a press of a button throws a point of light on the screen subject to be discussed. Not only does the pointer save the screen, it aids in comtnanding attention and holding audience interest. The speaker can easily call attention to any part of the projected illustration without ever moving from his original reading or lecturing position. New Hollywood Splicer Manufactured by Sclioen Products Company, 519 E. 31st St.. Los Angeles 11. the Hollywood 8 and Ibmni splicer is now available with improved design and quality. Made with all stainless steel splicing plates and machine-ground cutting edges, the Hollywood splicer now comes equipped with special molded rubber vacuum base, providing a "no-mar," "no-slip" feature for the user. V4cyyin*T^ FILM PROTECTIVE PROCESS The SUPER VAP O RATE PROTECTS AGAINST Scratches, Fingermarks, Oil, Water and Climatic Changes ■ ONE TREATMENT LASTS THE LIFE OF THE FILM Brittle Film Rejuvenated It't Never Too Late To Vaeaumafe Available thru your local dealer or at Vacuumate Corp.. New York (VapORate Co. Inc., Sole Sales Agent) General Film Lab., Detroit, Mich. Geo. W. Colburn Lab.. Chicago, III. National Cine Labs., Washington, D. C. Photo & Sound Co., San Francisco, Cal. 376 Educational Screen