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The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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YOUR bright, sh my, new Now KEY to 7,216 films, including more than 1,000 NKW TH LKS! EDUCATIONAL SCREEN'S f^r! BLUE BOOK "" "" OF 16mm FILMS Back in the 20's, when we published our first edition, we called the book "1001 Non-Theatrical Films", because that number represented all the titles that we could scrape together among all the film resources, of all kinds, existing at that time. Compare that with our new, 26th annual revision — 1,042 new titles, listed for the first time. More NEVi/ titles added in a single year than existed when the Blue Book was started. Total listings this year — 7,216 — a new record. The BLUE BOOK tells you all you want to know about these films — new and old. It gives title and synopsis, subject classification grouping, alphabetical index. It tells which are in color, which are sound or silent or both. It affords access to hundreds that may be used FREE. It gives the length of each film and lists the chief sources whence it may be obtained. It indicates negative ownership and TV broadcast status in many cases. More than 400 sources are given — mainly nationwide original sources but also, for the first time, a sizable geographical listing of regional sources. You can now, for the first time, find a nearby source for nearly any film. \*OST, O y j^jj jj ^[^g handiest, most frequently and most readily used film reference " ^ k ki CIl ^^1 book known. No film user can afford to do without it. ^ Order your copy today, from your favorite A|d(o-visual\aducation dealer or bookstore, or from viV /* The EDUCATIONAL SCREEN 64 E. Lake Street Chicago 1, III. Limited Printing. We print only once a year — and when our annual 7,000 are gone no more are available until next year.