Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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P-O.N. presents Founded in 1922 by Nelson L. Greene OUTSTANDING fILMS "MY MILL" Original, dynoitiic musical score expressing the rhythm of heavy machinery, brilliantly performed by the Bavarian Symphony Orchestra. Excellent photography. The locale is the exciting industrial background of the iron and steel district of the Ruhr Valley. Subtly interwoven is a story depicting the powerful emotions that accompany a man's final cessation of work after having devoted his labor, loyalty, pride and love to his job for 40 long years. Sale: $40.00 B/W Rental: $2.25 B/W "SWEDEN'S FUTURE ARTISANS" The beautifully gay handwork and handicrafts produced in Sweden are admired all over the world. This enjoyable color film shows Swedish elementary school children engaged in creative activities. They are being trained to employ available raw materials and to acquire the mastery of the Swedish artisan. Openair gymnastics for sound body and vocational training are embodied in the early education of Swedish children. A delightful picture. Sale: $130.00 Color; $40.00 B/W Rental: $4.50 Color; $2.25 B/W "BIRTH OF A FLORIDA KEY" Selected by the 1954 Edinburgh Film Festival. This is a story of the Florida Keys, that unique chain of 700 islands extending into the Caribbean Sea, each one the original creation of bush and bird. An ever-changing panorama of Nature in Action, this revelation of the Keys affords an intimate and colorful lesson ' in ecology, that fascinating study of the mutual relation'^^^ ships between organisms and ^J;/ their environment. -> '^ Sale: $140.00 Color; $45.00 B/W Rental: $6.00 Color; $3.00 B/W FREE CATALOG NEW 1955 Listing of 100 Top-Nolch Subjects Preview Prints on Request FILMS OF THE NATIONS DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 62 West 45 Street, New York 36, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN THE AUDIOVISUAL MAGAZINE October, 1954 Volume 33, Number 8, Whole Number 325 IN THIS ISSUE t^dltoriaC 352 INTERDEPENDENCE Articled and Special Zreaturei 318 PERSPECTIVE FOR TEACHING Frances Gulland and Wayne Champion 325 A MODEL CLASSROOM WITH BUILT-IN A-V George W. Forbes and Edward T. Schofield 326 TAPES ACROSS THE OCEAN Ruth Y. Terry 327 FILM USE IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 330 MAGNETIC VISUAL CONTROL BOARD Harold B. Roberts and Kenneth D. Norberg 2), rtt di eparCmenl 312 AS PERSONAL AS POSSIBLE— DAVI NEWS J. J. McPherson 332 CHURCH DEPARTMENT William S. Hockman 335 EVALUATION OF NEW FILMS L. C. Larson, Carolyn Guss, and John Fritz 340 RECORDS ON REVIEW Max U. Bildersee 34) LOOKING AT THE LITERATURE 342 AUDIO-VISUAL TRADE REVIEW (including New Materials) \Jther SJ-eulurei 310 316 350 351 352 ON THE SCREEN A-V BRIEFS INDEX TO ADVERTISERS TRADE DIRECTORY FOR THE AUDIO-VISUAL FIELD PICTURE OF THE MONTH CATIONAL MERICA CORRESPONDENCE should be sent to EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, 64 East Lake Street, Chicago 1, Illinois. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (U.S. currency or equivalent): Domestic — $4 one yeor, $6.50 two years, $8 three years. Canadian and Pan-American — 50 cents extra per yeor. Other foreign— %\ extra per year. Single copy — 45 cents. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be sent to the Circulation Department immediately to insure uninterrupted delivery of your magazine. Allow five weeks for change to become effective. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN is published monthly except July and August by the Educational Screen, Inc. Publication office, Barrington, Illinois; Business and Editorial Office, 64 E. Lake St., Chicago I, Illinois. Printed in the U.S.A. Re-entered os second-class matter October, 1953 at the post office at Barrington, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTIRE ISSUE COPYRIGHT 1954 BY THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, INC. 308 Educational Screen