Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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ASTRONOMY FILMS 1 6-mm. sound, 400-foot reels I THE SUN; II THE MOON; III THE SOLAR SYSTEM; IV THE MILKY WAY; V EXTERIOR GALAXIES. Highly commended by Visual Aid Departments, Film Libraries, Schools, Colleges end Educators throughout the country. SLIDE STRIPS — SLIDES 20 frame, 35mm, Slide Strips or 20 Slides, 2x2, of selected frames of eoch reel gvgIIoble. INTERNATIONAL SCREEN ORGANIZATION 609 Philadelohia Avenue WASHINGTON 12, D. C. ■j9 Talk |,am ^oit SCIEEN Rl TfPEWRITTEN MESSAGES KS RADIO-MAT SLIDES ■ql *CC(^ HO tulSTIfUTt MAKE YOUR OWN SLIDES on your own TYPEWRITER by using RADIO-MATS 1 • iHtSiAiiONtRTOMHt Screen [ Regular size 31/4x4 or the Sold by Audio-Visual, 1 Supply Dealers. For FREE RADIO-MAT SLIDE 222 Ookridge Blvd., Day New Duplex 2x2. hoto & Theatre SAMPLE write — CO., Dept. V, tona Beach, Flo. Sitlices I\ot Holding? Try ^e^o^a ^ihn G&ment WRITE FOR SAMPLE CAMERA EQUIPMENT CO. Dept. E-5-8 1600 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. RHYTHM-TIME RECORDS Creative Play for Primary Gradss .ALBUM 1 (3 records) 78RPM The Farm, Walking Straight & Tall. The Wind $6.25ppd .ALBIM 2 (3 records) 78RPM Night Time, Merry Go Round, Skipping We Go |6.2,")ppd BROCHURE UPON REQUEST P. O. Box 1106, Sinta Barbara, California "WILL UNDOUBTEDLY BE SNAPPED UP BY PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND SCHOOLS" --Ceci/e Starr, The Saturday Review HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN — His Life — His Work — His Times "THE STORY OF MY LIFE" For young people and discriminating odults interested in the true story of a creotive genius, I 27 Min. Black O White Sale$125 Rental $7 228 BRANDON FILMS. INC. Dept. ES, 200 W. 57 St. New York 19, N.Y ings and phonograph records, or hold a two-way conversation (such as correcting the student's pronunciation) with any one individual student in any one of the twenty semi-soundproof booths arranged in a U-shape formation around the room. Each of tlie student booths contains a record turntable, a headset and microphone so that the student can "tune in" a recording from a master console or phiy a language record of her choice on her turntable. By listening to a series of phrases broadcast from a master tape recording on the console, the student can repeat the phrase over her microphone, hear it on her headset and compare her pronunciation with that on the master tape. Audio-Visual Venetian Blind It is now reported to be po,ssible to convert any conventional schoolroom lor audio-visual instruction with the flick of a wrist. The trick is done with a new light-proof Venetian blind developed by the Hunter Douglas Corporation, 416 E. 50th St., New York 22, N. Y. The "Flexalum .'Vudio-Visual Blind" was perfected after three years of in cooperation with audio-visual experts of southern California. The .\udio-Visual Blind's ability to exclude light almost completely is the result of new engineering principles. A special light trap at the top and aluminum channels at sides and bottom prevent the light leakage characteristic of ordinary Venetian blinds. Tapes, cords and the spring-tempered aluminum slats have been carefully designed to enable the blind to close completely, the slats locking against each other tightly. The effect is to reduce outside illumination in a modern classroom with multiple large windows to 1/10 footcandle at the projection screen. This meter reading is considered optimum for film or slide use. New Hi-Fi's To keep attuned to the progress and increasing demand of the audio-visual industry and to further complement their diverse line of e(|uipment, AudioMaster Corp., 17 East 4.">th St., New York City, has recently introduced two new high-fidelity machines. One is a portable Transcription Playback Machine which is said to provide new reality of sound. A HiGain straight AC amplifier with fivewatt output is incorporated into the unit with a frec(uency range up to 13.000 cycles. The second unit to be released is a Hi-Fidelity Automatic Record Changer playing 7" to 12" records automatically at all three speeds. It has a push-pull Hi-Gain amplifier with frecpiency response up to 18,000 cycles. Free & Helpful Write to . . . • Intkrnationai. Film Bureau, 57 E. Jack.son Blvd., C:hicago 4, Illinois, for a copy of a brand-new 30-page catalog of "Films for the Study and Enjoyment of Art." • .Society for Visual Education, 1345 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Illinois, for an illustrated catalog of Protestant religious and educational filmstrips and slidesets. • McGraw-Hill Book Co., Text-Film Dept., 330 West 42nd St., New York 36, N. Y., for a complete listing of available films and filmstrips on a wide variety of subjects mental health, education, child development, marriage, etc. • Educational Laboratories. Inc.. 1823 Jefferson Place, N. W., Washington 6, D. C, for a reprint of an article titled "Wall Pictures: An Old Teaching Device Reshaped." • Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.. Dept. M5-12, 900 Faucjuier St., St. Paul, Minnesota, for a glos.sary of tape recording terms. • Ideal Pictures, Inc., 58 E. South Water St., Chicago I, Illinois, for a new free catalog of more than 2000 educational films that may be rented. • Eastman Kodak Co., Department 2, Rochester 4, N. Y. for a new pamphlet describing the Kodascope Pageant series of 16mm sound and silent projectors. • Educational Screen. Reprint Dept., 64 E. Lake St., Chicago 1, Illinois, for copies of the article ".Adventure in .Arithmetic," published in the February. 1955 issue of Educational Screen. The article describes the use of the alxTcus and the adding machine in teathing arithmetic. Write for Free Filmstrip Catalog Autlnentic, curriculum-centered color filmstrips illustrated with famous pictures from museums ond libraries. )oin the Museum Filmstrip Club and receive a new color filmstrip each month Oct, through May — 8 for $25 MUSEUM EXTENSION SERVICE 10 East 43rd St., N. Y. 17, N. Y. Educational Screen