Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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P^tttowLiNG Pictures ^N^"V JUST ISSUED — Two great new color-sound films for Biology study — ANIMAL LIFE AT LOW TIDE AQUARIUM WONDERLAND Write for new catalog. PAT DOWLING PICTURES loses. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Col. "PARKING is now TAUGHT in the CLASSROOM" Teaches students the ABC's of parking correctly— simply and easily— via 1) classroom demonstration, 2) street demonstration, 3) proper use of parking board. 16mm sound — 11 min. $50 Rental SIO per week plus postage BOND SAFETY PROJECTS 542 Colle Santa Rosa, Room 107, Polm Springs, Calif. Quality filmstrips Sinte 1929 C^omplclcly revised in color — Cooperative Living — Home Series Helpful Stories for Children "Our Country" National Award Series Cotolog on request FILMSLIDE SERVICE J505 Fairmount Ave. El Cerrito 8, Calif SCIENCE FILMSTRIPS SINCE 1931 SINCE 1931 MADE BY TEACHERS FOR TEACHERS BIOLOGY HEALTH & SAFETY PHYSICS GENERAL SCIENCE CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY NEW — Elementary Science Series in Brilliant Spectrccolor VISUAL SCIENCES Box 599E Suffem, New York FILM FACTS About a Country In the News' Arts — Science — Music — Newsreefs • Authentic • Unusual • Interesting • Provocative FILMS ABOUT POLAND For Schools . . . Clubs . . . Meetings ... and TELEVISION Available EXCLUSIVELY Through ALSHER FILMS 2017 S Street, Northwest, I Box ES) Woshington 9, D.C. — DEcotur 2-8000 Uiil,: .voir For FREE Catalog! of thousonds of years ago ore featured in The MIRACLE BUILDERS still unsurpassed as marvels of engineering achievement, Boolbek's Temples in Lebanon, Saint Sophia in Istanbul, and Socsohuomon in the Andes. 16mm — Sound — 1} min. — Color (l}i — b&w $75 Send now for exfensive FREE catalog SIMMEL-MESERVEY, INC. (Note New Address) 9113 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Colif. Moy 31 -July 22 Carroll Moore June 6-July 8 MISSOURI (Continued) Wo-'hington University, St. Louis June 20-July 22 Audio-Visual Instruction Lee E. Campion William Jewell College, Liberty June 6-July 29 Audio-Visual Education Isley MONTANA College of Greot Falls, Great Falls June 15-July 29 Audio-Visual Aids in the Enrichment of Learning Sister Xavier Montana Stote College, Bozeman June 13-July 15 Visual Education Bill Johnstone Montana State University, Missoula June 13-July 15 Audio-Visual Aids Henry Knopps Western Montana College of Education, Dillon June 13-Aug. 19 Audio-Visual Education Ralph Kneeland NEBRASKA Doane College, Crete Audio-Visual Education Midland College, Fremont Audio-Visual Education Gilbert Loeninghoener Nebroska State Teachers College, Peru June 7-July 29 Audio-Visual Aids, Elementary Schools Audio-Visual Aids, Secondary Schools Nebraska State Teachers College, Wayne June 6-July 29 Visual-Auditory Educotion C. V. Wait Organization & Administration of Audiovisual Aids C. V. Wait University of Nebraska, Lincoln June 15-July 22 or Aug. 5 Audio-Visual Materials for Teachers Leroy Ortgiesen, Lester Cole Organization & Administration of AudioVisual Aids Robert Stepp, Ortgiesen, Wesley C. Meierhenry NEW HAMPSHIRE Keene Teachers College, Keene June 27-Aug. 4 Audio-Visual Aids in Teaching Arthur Giovonnongeli University of New Hampshire, Durham July 5-Aug. 1 2 Audio-Visual Materials in the Elementary and Secondary Schools Austin L. OIney Three Courses in Color-Slide Photography at Orford, N. H. (Aug. 1-12, Aug. 15-26, Sept. 26-30) (For information write Charlotte H. Pomeroy, 18 Fox Meadow Road, Scarsdale, N.Y.) NEW JERSEY State Teachers College, Trenton June 28-Aug. 10 Photography & Other Visual Aids William H. Hausdoerffer NEW MEXICO New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas June 1 1-July 15 Audio-Visual Aids in Education Sefh H. Parsons Projected Materials in Audio-Visual Education (July I8-Aug. 20) Parsons New Mexico Western College, Silver City June 6-July 29 Utilization of Audio-Visual Materials Nick Chintis University of New Mexico, Albuquerque June 16-Aug. 10 Use of Audio-Visual Aids in Teaching William Runge NEW YORK Columbia University, Teachers College Instructional Materials: Sources, Selection, & Use Paul W. F. Witt Audio-Visual Materials & Methods of Use Witt Laboratory Course in Audio-Visual Instruction Using Television, Radio, and Reco'dings in Education Max R. Brunstetter Preparation & Production of Educational Radio Programs Louis Forsdole Production of Educational Motion Pictures Josef Bohmer Science Films & Related Visual Aids Burnett Cross Communication & the Communication Arts in the Modern Society Forsdole St. John's University, Teachers College, Brooklyn July 5-Aug. 12 Workshop in Audio-Visual Education Lulu M. Spilde Stote Teachers College, Albany July 5-Aug. 1 3 Audio-Visual Materials of Instruction Loborotory in Audio-Visual Materials State Teachers College, Buffalo July 5-Aug. 12 Workshop in Audio-Visual (Graduate) Paul Smoy Workshop (Undergroduote) Horold Steffen State Teachers College, Courtlond . J ,, -'"ly 6-Aug. 13 Audio-Visual Aids Franklin Coolidge SPECIAL OFFER TO SUMMER COURSE INSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTS EDUCATIONAL SCREEN is making a special offer to summer course instructors and students interested in extra copies of this leading audiovisual magazine for class use or in subscriptions for year-round use. For details, write EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, Summer School Dept., 64 E. Lake St., Chicago 1, Illinois. NEW YORK (Continued) State Teachers College, Glassboro June 27-Aug. 5 Investigations into Newer Audio-Visual Aids Materiois J. W. Carey State Teachers College, Oswego July 5-Aug. 12 Production of Audio-Visual Materiois Theodore Beers Administration of Audio-Visual Programs (Aug. 15-26) Beers Stote Teachers College, Plattsburgh July 5-Aug. 12 Selection & Use of Audio-Visual Materials Wagner College, Stoten Island June 27-Aug. 6 Audio-Visual Education Mrs. Marie Pfloum NORTH CAROLINA Duke University, Durham July 26-Aug. 31 Audio-Visual Aids in Educotion Irwin A. Eckhouser East Caroline College, Greenville June 6-July 12 Visual Aids in Education Fronk G. Fuller Lenoir Rhyne College, Hickory June 5 July 13 Audio-Visuol Education G. R. Patterson North Carolina College, Durham June 7-July 30 Audio-Visual Materials & Methods Norman Johnson Workshop in Audio-Visual Materials (June 7-July 14) James E. Parker, Johnson University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill June 9-July 16, July 1 S-Aug. 24 Audio-Visual Instruction: Technique & Material Charles Milner Western Carolina College, Cullowhee June 6-July 15 Audio-Visual Education Poul J. Ritter Radio and Television Education (July I8-Aug. 26) Woman's College, University of North Carolina, Greensboro July 21 -Aug. 13 Audio-Visual Methods of Teaching Dale Keller Production of Audio-Visual Materials (June 13-24) Keller NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo June 13-July 23 Audio-Visual Methods & Moteriots in Education Norman Krong State Teachers College, Dickinson June 13-Aug. 5 Visual Education Gordon Olson Stote Teachers College, Valley City June 13-Aug. 5 Projection Mochines H. O. Pearce Audio-Visual Aids Pearce OHIO Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green June 13-July 22 Audio-Visual Aids in Education Sherwin G. Swartout Kent Stote University, Kent Audio-Visual Materials in Education Ralph H. Hall Problems in Audio-Visual Education Hall Radio in Education Photographic Production Two Notable Burton Holmes Fifms "AUSTRIA" .\ 22-min. study in courage and faith. Color, $190; b&w, $9,'); 'Sccoiidarv. "COASTAL BRAZIL" .4n Il-min. sequel to "Rio." Color, $100; bR:w, .$30; Elemcntaiv. Your preview prints ore reody. Write now PARK FILMS 228 N. Almont Dr., Beverly Hills, Colif. 230 Educotional Screen