Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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k Founded in 1922 by Nelson L Greene EDUCATIONAL SCREEN THE AUDIOVISUAL MAGAZINE December, 1955 Volume 34. Number 10, Whole Number 337 IN THIS ISSUE C^dltorla i 408 WHAT, WHERE, WHO v^lue dSook of -y^udio l/idual iflciterlaiA 410 ARITHMETIC 410 ART & EXPERIMENTAL FILMS 410 ARTS & CRAFTS 414 BIOLOGY 416 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS 418 CIVICS Gr GOVERNMENT 420 CIVIL DEFENSE 422 CONSERVATION 422 EDUCATION 426 FARMING & FARM LIFE 426 FEATURE FILMS 427 FOREIGN LANGUAGES 428 GEOGRAPHY & TRAVEL 435 HEALTH & HYGIENE 438 HISTORY & CURRENT EVENTS 441 HOLIDAYS 441 HOME ECONOMICS 441 HUMAN RELATIONS 443 INDUSTRY Lylner featured 406 ON THIS SPECIAL ISSUE 467 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 468 TRADE DIRECTORY FOR THE AUDIO-VISUAL FIELD Inside Back Cover ANNUAL INDEX TO EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, VOL. 34 445 LANGUAGE ARTS & STUDY SKILLS 446 LITERATURE & DRAMA 446 MEDICAL SCIENCE 447 MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHOLOGY 447 MUSIC & DANCING 448 NATURE STUDIES 452 PHYSICAL SCIENCES 453 PRIMARY-GRADE MATERIALS 454 RELIGION & ETHICS 460 SAFETY & DRIVER TRAINING 460 SOCIAL WELFARE 461 SPORTS & RECREATION 462 STORIES, FABLES, FAIRY TALES 462 TRANSPORTATION 463 INDEX TO TITLES 466 INDEX TO PRIMARY SOURCES ATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE should ba sent to EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, 64 Eost Lake Street, Chicago 1, Illinois. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (U.S. currency or equivalent): Domestic — $4 one year, $6.50 two years, $8 three years. Canadian and Pan-American — 50 cents extra per year. Other foreign— $1 extra per yeor. Single copy — 45 cents. Special December Blue Book Issue — One dollar. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be sent to the Circulation Department immediately to insure uninterrupted delivery of your magazine. Allow five weeks for change to become effective, EDUCATIONAL SCREEN is published monthly except July and August by the Educational Screen, Inc. Publication office, Barrington, Illinois; Business and Editorial Office, 64 E. Lake St., Chicago I, Illinois. Printed in the U.S.A. Re-entered as second-class matter October, 1953 at the post office at Barrington, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTIRE ISSUE COPYRIGHT 1955 BY THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, INC. USE THESE COUPONS TO GET FREE A-V INFORMATION Fill out these coupons if you wont more i formation about equipment and materials ) read about in this issue. Clip the coupons o send them to EDUCATIONAL SCREE Readers' Service Dept., 64 E. Lake St., Chiee I, Illinois. Please senci me more information about whlch is announced or advertised on page of this issue of EDUCATIONAL SCREEN. My Name^ — . . Address Please send me more information about which is announced or advertised on page— of this issue of EDUCATIONAL SCREEN. My NameAddress Please send me more information obout which is announced or advertised on page— of this issue of EDUCATIONAL SCREEN. My NameAddress Please send me more information about which Is announced or advertised on page— of this issue of EDUCATIONAL SCREEN. My NameAddress Please send me more information about which is announced or advertised on page— of this issue of EDUCATIONAL SCREEN. My NomeAddress