Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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INDUSTRY Industrial Engineering Builders mp WIRE '54 31min sd col free. Story of man's struggle to build bigger, higher, and better. Starting with such fundamentals as the arch, truss and lintel, the film traces the development of building through the years. It tells the story of an important building material: welded wire fabric steel reinforcement. CaCOs mp GARD '54 23 min sd col free. Produced in cooperation with the Black White Limestone Co. Conducted tour through 38 acres of underground quarry. Shows huge drilling rig with which two men, operating four rock drills, drill the 15-foot deep holes necessary for blasting the 25 x 50-ft. rock face. Shows how the holes ore loaded with dynamite and records the actual blasting scene. SrH-Ad. Coming Out of the Woods mp BRAY '54 21 min sd col or b&w free loan tv. Sponsor: Timber Engineering Company. Shows important developments in the use of wood in the building of homes, schools, churches and commercial structures. Quality control in marine lamination of the Navy's wood mine sweepers is illustrated as well as the Teco ring that insures practical and economical construction of modern huge wooden frame buildings. Concrete Quolity Control Tests mp U CAL '55 15min sd col $150 r$5. Shows both at construction jobs and in laboratory demonstrations the care with which batch mixes of lorge quantities of concrete are controlled. Tests demonstrated include the slump, Kelly Ball, air volume, compressive, and the impact hammer. Dawn's Eorly Light mp WEST '55 30min sd col b&w free. Shows historic scenes from Atomic Energy Commission plants in Idaho and Pittsburgh. Hollywood cast portrays story of a nuclear scientist end his son, o college freshman who is worried and confused over the job that he and his generation will inherit in putting a social harness on atomic power. Shows scenes of the nuclear power plont for the first atomic submarine. Machines that Move Earth mp FA '55 1 5min sd col or b&w. Describes and illustrates the many different kinds of earth moving machines. Stresses the importance of these machines in moving mountains and hills, filling valleys end low places, to help moke living better and easier for everybody. El. Movement Is Life mp MOD '55 20min sd b&w free loon. Produced by Biofilms, New York. Sponsored by the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association, Washington 5, D.C. The scope and variety of jobs done by conveyors throughout the economy ore depicted in scenes of actual installations. Primitive methods of handling, used in building the Pyramids end still prevailing today, ore contrasted with modern mechanized movement — automation and mechanical handling in industry, mining, warehousing and on the form. See alphabetical title index on page 463, index to sources on page 466, and subject index on page 407. tn. Sterling has top quality films covering each of these subjects — material specifically selected for Audio-Visual use. These films ore the product of leading independent producers, and are now available for outright purchase. To further assist you in your film evaluation, we have designed three new screening plans. SCIENCE? MUSIC? TRAVEL? NATURE? PRE-SCHOOL OR ELEMENTARY LEVEL? ADULT EDUCATION? DOCUMENTARY? • • COLOR CIRCUIT PREVIEW PRINT PLAN ADVANCE NEWS RELEASES • • For information about Sterling's constantly expanding library, o copy of our catalog and screening prints of the best releases in the above categories, contact: STERLING EDUCATIONAL FILMS a division of STERLING TELEVISION CO., INC. 205 Eost 43rd Street New York 17, N. Y. Piercing the Unknown mp IBM '54 22 min sd col free. Traces development of computing devices to the IBM Electronic Data Processing machines. Progress, particularly since 1914 when electronic circuits were first used. How computers solve problems in aircraft design, ballistics, chemistry, nuclear physics and other scientific fields. Powerful Horseshoe mp ONTARIO '54 col freeloan. Building of Ontario Hydro's new electrical power development. Project 074 mp BIS '55 1 3min sd b&w $45 r$2.50. Shows how a standard piston ring is made radioactive by being inserted into the atomic pile at Britain's Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Film takes its title from the official designation given to this use of the radioactive tracer technique. For non-technical as well as technical audiences. Suspension Bridge mp USS '55 23min sd col free. Pictorial record of the construction of the Paseo Bridge at Kansas City and the Delaware Bridge at Wilmington. Explains how the two different types of suspension bridges were erected. What Is Automation? fs WAYNE '55 33fr si b&w $3.50. Introduces the concept of automation and shows industrial applications. Raises several points for discussion concerning its implication to labor and industry. JrH-Ad. Industrial Training Automotive Mechanics Set One Sfs McG-H '55 si b&w $40set $5.50ea. Filmstrip series correlated with the textbook "Automotive Electrical Equipment" by Crouse. Titles: Electric Current Principles, Electric Current Measurement, Principles of Electromagnetism, Applications of Electromagnetism, Storage Battery Principles, Blue Book Issue Storage Battery Operation, Switches, Reloys ond Lights, Gauges and Wiring. Automotive Mechanics Set Two 7fs McG-H '55 si b&w $35set $5.50ea. Titles: Starting System Principles, Starting System Drives, Starting System Controls, Generators, GeneratorOutput Regulators, The Ignition System, Ignition Distributor. Foreman Discovers Motion Study mp UCLA '54 16min sd b&w $67.50 r$3 col $150 r$5. Designed to introduce factory foremen, as well as supervisors and students, to the field of motion study and the simplifying of work. Shows the experience of a typical foreman OS he comes in contact with motion study for the first time. Metalworking 6fs McG-H '54 si b&w $30set $5.50ea. Step-by-step instruction in the proper techniques in metal working. Titles: Bench Metal: Cutting (38fr). Bench Metal: Filing (42frl. Bench Metal: Drilling (37fr). Sheet Metal: Laying Out and Cutting (38fr) . Sheet Metal: Forming and Seaming (50fr). Art Metal: Making Trays and Bowls (55fr). JrH-Ad. New Horizons in Aluminum Brazing mp ASSN '55 22min sd col free loon. Sponsored by Alcoa. Covers furnace, torch and dip brazing of oluminum. Describes the process, demonstrates the techniques and discusses the use of each process, using current technology. Demonstrates brazing applications to production operations. Welding Advances with Aluminum mp ASSN '55 28min sd col free loan. Sponsored by Alcoa. Describes modern developments in inert gas and shielded arc welding of aluminum. Deals with both the tungsten arc and consumable electrode welding processes, including the basic welding techniques for these methods. An animated sequence explains how metal is joined. Examples of welded fabrication of aluminum ore presented. 443