Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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McMULLEN— Declan X. McMullen Co., Inc., 22 Park PI., New York 7, N.Y. MED or MEDICAL — Medical Filnn Guild, Ltd., 506 W. 57th St., New York 19, N. Y. MED ARTS — Medical Arts Productions, 116 Natoma St., Son Francisco 5, Calif. MENT — Mental Health Materials Center, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. METH — Methodist Publishing House, 810 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. MINN MOL — Minneapolis-Moline Co., Film Library, Minneapolis 1, Minn. MISSION — Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, Box 30, Silver Spring, Md. MOD — Modern Talking Picture Service, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. MON — Monsanto Chemical Co., Public Relations, Springfield, Moss. MOODY — Moody Institute of Science, Educational Film Division, 11428 Santo Monica Blvd., West Los Anaeles 25, Calif. MOVER — Martin Moyer Productions, 900 Federal Ave., Seattle 2, Wash. MUS EX — Museum Extension Service, 10 East 43rd St., New York 17, N.Y. NAM — Nationo! Association of Manufacturers, 14 W. 49th St., New York 20, N.Y. NASAO— -National Association of State Aviation Officiols, 1101 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D. C. NATL — The National Tape Library, 1818 M St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. NBFU — National Board of Fire Underwriters, Bureou of Communication Research, 13 E. 37th St., New York 4, N.Y, NCCMT — Nationol Committee for Careers in Medical Technology, 1785 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. NCSE — Notional Commission on Safety Education, Notional Education Association, 1201 16th St., N.W. Washington, D. C. NDC — Notional Dairy Council, 111 North Conol St., Chicago, III. NEA — Notional Education Association, Division of Press & Radio Relations, 1201 16th St., N.W., Woshington, D. C. NEP — Notional Education Program. Film Division, Harding College, Searcy, Ark, NEW — New Life Films, P.O. Box 1316, Peoria, III. NEWARK— Deot. of Special Education, Newark Board of Education, 31 Green St., Newark 2, N.J. NFB — The National Film Board of Canada, 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. NNF — National tvlephrosis Foundation, 140 W. 58fh St., New York 19, N.Y. NOR — Northrop Aircraft, Inc., Public Relations, Dept. 1310, Hawthorne, Calif. NSPB — National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, 1790 Broadway, New York, N.Y. NWP — New World Productions, 5746 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. NYU — New York University Film Library, 26 Washington PL, New York 3, N.Y. OIL — Oil Industry Information Committee District Offices. For location, write American Petroleum Institute, Dept. of Information, 50 W. 50th St., New York 20, N.Y. ONTARIO — Ontario Hydro, Information Division, 620 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Conoda. ORION — Orion Film, 30-32 Sondergade, Odense, Denmork. PAN — Pan Americon World Airways, 28-19 Bridge Plaza North, Long Island City, N.Y. PARK— Pork Films, 228 N. Almont Drive, Bever'y Hills, Calif. PCR — Psychological Cinema Register, AudioVisual Aids Library, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pa. PERRY — Perry-Mansfield School of Theatre & Donee, 135 Corona Ave., Pelham, N.Y. PHASE— Phase Films, P. O. Box 423, Ross, Calif. PHONO — Phonotopes, Inc., 853 Ninth Ave., New York 19, N.Y. PHOTO — Photo-Arts Productions, Inc., 2330 Morket St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. PIN — Roy Pinney Productions, 19 E. 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. PLAY — Play Schools Association, 119 W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. PORT — Portafilms, Orchard Lake, Mich. POST — Post Pictures Corp., 1 1 5 W. 45tH St., New York 19, N.Y. RALSTON — The Ralston Purina Company, Public Relations Department. Write the Jam Handy Organization, 2821 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit 1 1, Mich. RAMP — Rampart Productions, 2356 Dorris Ploce, Los Angeles 31, Calif. RCA — Radio Corporation of America, Educotionol Services, Camden, N. J. RHYTHM — Rhythm-Time Records, P. O. Box 1106, Santo Barbara, Calif. RIV — Riviero Productions, 1713 Via El Prodo, Redondo Beoch, Calif. RU — Roosevelt University, Room 620, 430 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, III. SCRIBNER — Charles Scribner's Sons, Educational Dept., 1 790 Broodway New York, N. Y. SIMMEL — Simmel Meservey, Inc., 9113 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Calif. STAND — Standard Oil Company of California, 225 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. STERL — Sterling Educational Films, 205 E. 43rd St., New York 17, N.Y. SVE — Society for Visuol Education, Inc., 1345 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, III. SYRA — Syracuse University, Audio-Visual Center, Collendale Campus, Syracuse 10, N.Y. TAB — Tobletopper Productions, Rt. Ji:]^ Box 792, Escondido, Colif. TAYLOR — Taylor University, Upland, Ind. TB — Notional Tuberculosis Association, 1790 Broodway, New York 19, N.Y. Ask your local TB Association about obtaining prints of TB filmstrips. TFC — Teoching Film Custodians, 25 W. 43rd St., New York 36, N.Y. TIMES — New York Times, Office of Educational Activities, Times Square, New York 36, N.Y. TOP — Top Films, M. C. Cooper, Box B, Preuss Stotion, Los Angeles 35, Calif. TRANS— Trans-World Films, 2209 E. 75th St., Chicago 49, III. UAHC — Union of Americon Hebrew Congregations, 838 Fifth Ave., New York 21, N.Y. UCLA — University of California at Los Angeles, University Extension, Educational Film Soles Dept., Los Angeles 24, Calif. U MICH — University of Michigan, AudioVisual Education Center, Ann Arbor, Mich. U MINN — University of Minnesota, AudioVisual Education Service, Wesbrook Hall, Minneapolis 14, Minn. U NEB — University of Nebraska, Bureau of Audio Visuol Instruction, Extension Division, Lincoln, Neb. use — University of Southern California, Audio-Visual Services, Deportment of Cinema, 3518 University Ave., Los Angeles 7, Calif. U WIS — University of Wisconsin, Bureau of Audio-Visuol Instruction, 1312 W. Johnston St., Madison 6, Wis. UN — United Nations, Film Distribution Offices, New York, N.Y. Films also available at various United Nations Associations and other organizations throughout the U. S. UNION — Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, Public Relations Dept., Livestock Exchange BIdg., Chicago 9, III. UNITED — United Air Lines, 5959 S. Cicero Ave, Chicago 38, III. US RUBBER— U.S. Rubber Compony, Public Relations Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York 20 N.Y. USBM — U. S. Bureau of Mines, Grophic Services Section, 4800 Forbes St., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. USCG — United States Coast Guard, c/o Chief, Public Information Division, Washington 25, D.C. USDA — U. 5. Deportment of Agriculture, Motion Picture Service, Washington 25, D. C. USIA — United States Information Agency, 1778 Penn Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D.C. USN — U. S. Navy. Films distributed through Novy film libraries throughout the U. S. A. Prints offered for sole through U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C. USS — United States Steel Corp., 71 Broadwoy, New York 6, N.Y. UW — United Wo.ld Films, 1445 Park Ave., New York 29, N. Y. VEC — Visual Education Consultants, 2066 Helena St., Madison 4, Wis. WAYNE — Wayne University, Audio-Visuol Materials Consultation Bureau, Detroit 1, Mich. WCTU — ^Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1730 Chicago Ave., Evonston, III. WEST — Westinghouse Electric Corporotion, Film Division, 401 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh 30, Pa. WESTERN— Western Screen, Inc., 6525 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. WHITE — ^White Fothers Film Distribution Center, 1624 21st St., N.W., Washington, D.C. WILCOX — Roy Wilcox Productions, Inc., Meriden. Conn. YAF — Young America Films, 18 E. 41st St., New York 17, N.Y. YALE — Yale University Press Film Service, 386 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. YORKE — Emerson Yorke Studio, 245 W. 55th St., New York 19, N.Y. YPR — Young Peoples Records, 100 Sixth Ave., New York 15, N. Y. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 426 448 432 Airequipt Mfg. Co. -— Albertsen Distributing Co Alsher Films Alturos Films 445 American Television & Rodio Co — 416 Association Films 423 Atlantis Productions 432 Audio Visual Research 445, 446 ey t-ilms . ._ 422 Bell & Howell Co. Inside Front Cover, 405 Beseler Co., Chorles 417 Bond Safety Projects 451 Brand & Son, Paul I 424 Brandon Films 427 Bray Studios 435 Brice, Arthur T 416 Broodcasting & Film Commission. NCC 459 Cable Press 440 Comera Eauipment Co _ .„ 424 Chief Hailstorm Productions 430 Church Screen Productions „. 441 Churchill-Wexler Film Productions 453 Cinema 16 410 Colburn Lob., Geo. W ._, 439 Compco Corp 425 Concordia Films 457 Contemporary Films _.. 414 Coronet Films 413 Daggett Productions, Avalon . 430 Distributors Group _ 424 Dowling Pictures, Pat 430 Draper Shade Co., Luther O 418 DuKone Corp. _ 421 Eastman Kodak Co __ 436, 437 Electro-Chemical Products Corp. 420 Encyclopaedia Britonnica Films 419 Enrichment Teaching Materials 439 Family Films Fiberbilt Case Co. . Film Associates Focus Films Co Folkways Records .. ._ 455 — 426 -.442, 449, 450, 452 453, 462, 463 428 447 Golden Key Productions Heidenkamp Noture Pictures Heritoge Filmstrips Hoefler Productions, Paul 438 448 438 434 Internationol Film Bureau 433 International Screen Organization 452 International 16mm Corp 447 Jenkins, Lee Keystone View Co.... Linguophone Institute Long Filmslide Service.. 450 409 428 441 424 454 451 440 Park Films 433 Peerless Film Processing Corp 41 1 Portafilms 460 Mai's Recording Service Methodist Publishing House.. Moody Institute of Science.. Museum Extension Service RCA, Educotional Services Radiant Manufacturing Corp Rodio-Mot Slide Co Rapid Film Technique .. 415 .... 406 -_ 424 — 414 Scripture Press ... Simmel-Meservey Skibo Productions . 454 432 449 Society for French American Cultural Services & Educational Aid 428 Society for Visual Education 429 Southern California-Arizona Methodist Film Commission 456 Sterling Educational Films . 443 Sylvonia Electric Products Inside Bock Cover Tech Branch Technical Service 410 412 United World Films 431 Vee Tee Products Victor Animotograph Corp Back Cover Visual Sciences 453 Blue Book Issue 467