Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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For more informotion, use Service Coupon on poge 378 NEW MATERIALS MONTHLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE BLUE BOOK OF AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS The following onnouncements of recent releases are based on information supplied by producers and distributors. Audio-visual materials of all kinds are listed under the same general subject headings. The producer or primary distributor for each item is indicated by an obbreviation of the name. Addresses of such primary sources are given in the Index to Primary Sources at the end of these announcements. For more information about new materials, use the Service Coupon in this section. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS mp— motion picture si— slide fs — filmstrip rec — recording min — minutes (length of 16mm films) fr — frames (length of filmstrips) si — silent sd — sound b&w — block and while col — color Pri — Primary JrH — Junior High Coll — College El — Efementory SrH — Senior High Ad — Adult ARITHMETIC Common Fractions 4fs FH si col $20. For more information circle 1T6 on coupon BIOLOGY Atomic Zoo mp AEC 1 3min sd b&w free. Experiments with sheep, fowl, and fish to determine effects of radioactive materials on plants and livestock. For more information circle 117 on coupon Glamour Birds of Florida mp IDEAL 29min sd col free. Bird life in Florida in its notural habitat. For more information circle 118 on coupon Wildflowers of the West mp RICHFIELD 28min sd col free. State flowers of six western states; other wild flowers; role of animal life in assisting pollination of wild flowers. For mere information circle 1 1 9 on coupon BUSINESS fir ECONOMICS America's Distribution of Wealth mp NEP 13min sd b&w $60. Demonstration of how the income of Americans Is distributed among the various population groups. For more informotion circle 120 on coupon A Look at Capitalism mp NEP 13min sd b&w $60. Shows that capitalism is based on private ownership of property, the profit motive, and the free market. For more informotion circle 121 on coupon Marketing of Wool mp WOOL 25min sd b&w free. System of distributing Austrolian wool including shipment, storing, auctions, preparation for sole. For more information circle 122 on coupon Two Notoblo Burfon Holmes Hlmt "AUSTRIA" A 22-min. study in courage and faith. Color, fl90; b&w, $95; Secondary. "COASTAL BRAZIL" An 11-min. sequel to "Rio." Color, 1100; b&w, $50; Elementary. Your preview prints are ready. Write now PARK FILMS 228 N. Almont Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. Our Shareholders Invest in Tomorrow mp GM tVmin sd b&w free. How corporation stock is offered on the financial morket and in particular how 4,300,000 shares of General Motors common stock were made available to existing shareholders. For more information circle 123 on coupon Profit System mp NEP 13min sd b&w $60. Demonstration of where notional income goes. Shows corporation profits in relation to soles; the typical sales dollar. For more information circle 124 on coupon Secret of American Production mp NEP 13 min sd b&w $60. Discusses freedom to work, to dreom, to compete, to advance, to invest. For more information circle 125 on coupon Spirit of Enterprise mp NEP 1 3min sd b&w $60. A typicolly American story of how o young couple parlay their frozen custard booth into o multimillion dollar business. For more information circle 126 on coupon Where People Count mp MIDLAND 25 min sd col free. Story of two families and the Importance of various kinds of cooperotives to them; how co-ops begin and grow; democratic participation and ownership. For more informotion circle 127 on coupon Working Dollars mp MOD 1 3min sd col free. Cartoon story of how the stock market works. For more information circle 128 on coupon Yours to Keep mp MOD 27min sd col free. Lessons in personal money monagement. For more information circle 129 on coupon CIVICS & GOVERNMENT A Look at Communism mp NEP I3min sd b&w $60. Basic philosophy, tactics, and strategy. Examines dialectical materialism, economic determinism, and atheism. For more informotion circle 130 on coupon A Look at Socialism mp NEP 13min sd b&w $60. Philosophy, substance, origin, and record of Socialism in practice are objectively studied through dramatization, scenes in England, and other material. For more informotion circle 131 on coupon People Who Work at Night mp FA 10 min sd b&w. Varied activities at night in the city and their importance to the community and to the health and well-being of all. Pri-EI. For more information circle 132 on coupon Responsibility of American Citizenship mp NEP 13min sd b&w $60. Discusses the need to understand: the American way of life. Communism, Socialism, propaganda techniques of both groups, public education, government, spiritual growth, need for getting others to understand the obligations of citizenship. For more information circle 133 on coupon Security and Freedom mp NEP 13min sd b&w $60. A class discusses factors in genuine security — factors which come from within the person or over which he has control. Also discusses factors destructive to security. For more information circle 134 on coupon Structure of the Americon Way of Life mp NEP I3min sd b&w $60. A demonstration of the various elements that combine to moke up the American Way of Life. For more information circle 135 on coupon CONSERVATION Upstream Where Floods Begin mp UW ]2min sd b&w $21.51. FMmogroph dealing with the watershed protection work of the Soil Conservation Service. For more informotion circle 136 on coupon Water — Wealth or Worry for America mp MOD 24min sd col free. How water departments of progressive cities are planning oheod; need for conservation. For more information circle 137 en coupon EDUCATION Kindergarten Way is to Learn Each Day fs BOOKS 20min sd col. Explains benefits of dramatic ploy, manipulative activities, show and tell, educotionol trips, and storytelling. Kit includes 20 | minutes double-faced LP recording, i 60fr filmstrip, complete script ond sketches, discussion sheet. $14. For more information circle 138 on coupon Meaning in Child Art mp PCR lOmin sd col $92 r$3. How sensitive relationships of children to themselves and their environment can be developed in children's art classes; illustrates the philosophy in teaching art to children that the process is more important than the product; how children develop in their understanding and growing sensitivity to both environment and means of expression — with proper motivation. For more information circle 139 on coupon 1956 School Building Filmstrip fs AASA 1 33fr si b&w $6. Shows the country's newest schools, giving up-to-date information on floor plans, structural details, clossrom layouts, cafeterias, outdoor ploy areas. Produced from the 1956 School Building Architectural Exhibit at Atlantic City. For more information circle 140 on coupon This is Dartmouth mp DARTMOUTH 28min sd col free. Scenes in classrooms, laboratories, and seminars provide the prospective student with an orientation to the college. For more information circle 141 on coupon FARMING & FARM LIFE Acres of Sorghum mp DeKALB 14min sd col free. Depicts agricultural experiments involving the crossing, testing, and production of hybrid groin sorghum. For more information circle 142 on coupon Atomic Age Farmer mp AEC 12min sd b&w free. Applications of atomic energy research in agriculture, including studies of the effects of radiation on life processes of livestock and on growth of corn and the production of radioactive compounds from on Isotopes form. For more information circle 143 on coupon Atomic Greenhouse mp AEC 1 3min sd b&w free. Use of radioisotopes to trace fertilizer absorbed from the soil into a plant thereby determining the more efficient use of the fertilizer. For more information circle 144 on coupon Barns for Better Dairying mp USS 28min sd col free. Shows two systems for dairy herd management and the type of barn equipment necessary to both systems; role of steel in erecting economical form structures. For more informotion circle 145 on coupon 372 EdScreen & AVCuide — October, 1956