Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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new films from Coronet add new dimensions to learning Write for preview , , . If you are seriously considering purchase, fill in coupon for a preview of these Coronet films; or for o list of Coronet film libraries if you are interested in rental. Coronet Films CORONET BUILDING • CHICAGO I, ILLINOIS EdScreen & AVCuide — February, 1957 The six new films described below continue Coronet's proud tradition as the leading producer of the finest in educational motion pictures. Eoch will fill a long felt need In Hs area . . . will increase the effectiveness of classroom instruction. FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Understanding Our Universe (1 reel) The solar system, the Milky Way, and countless other galaxies and nebulae that extend millions of light years into space are the subject of this film. How man has learned about the universe from ancient times to the present day is also discussed. United States Expansion: The Louisiana Purchase (l'^ reals) The fourth in Coronet's U. S. Expansion series, this film depicts the history of the Louisiana territory in relation to the westward movement. The background of the purchase, its exploration and its settlement are visualized through reenactment, map animation and authentic sites. FOR THE INTERMEDIATE GRADES Indonesia: The Land and the People OVi reels) Against the background of a people building a new nation, this film surveys the geography and history of Indonesia. Key phrases — "west to east," "tradition," "treasure house," and "transition" — increase understanding of this Asiatic republic. Southeast Asia: Lands and Peoples (IV4 reels) This film places emphasis on four countries — Burma, Thailand, Malaya, and Indochina — and shows their importance as sources for vital world products. A close look at a Thailand farm family gives an excellent picture of the people in this region of the world. FOR THE PRIMARY GRADES A Boy of the Netherlands (1 reel) On a barge trip from his farm home to Amsterdam, Willem shares the life of the barge family and enjoys the sights of old and new Holland along the canal. How Weather Helps Ui (I reel) Reviewing the weather that accompanies the changing seasons, this film shows how rain, snow, sun and wind help people, plants and animals. Various types of clouds indicating changes in the weather are identified. Each of these 16mm sound motion pittures is availpble in true, natural color or black-and-white. CORONET FILMS Department ES-2S7, Coronet Building, Chicago I, Illinois □ Please send me without charge preview prints of the films I hove checked for purchase consideration; (Do not check if interested in rental only) Q Understanding Our Universe n U. S. Expansion: The Louisiana Purchase Q Indonesia: The Land ond the People n Southeast Asia: Lands and Peoples D A Boy of the Netherlands Q How Weather Helps Us Q I om interested in renting these films. Please send me o list of Coronet film rental libraries. NomeSchool AddressCity 57