Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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Vith the Authors EDUCATIONAL SCREEN AND I'he collaborators on AV Materials I Cuidance are on the staff of East■11 Illinois University, Charleston, Illiois. Dr. Verne Stockman is an assolate professor of education and is di. tor of the school's audiovisual cen AUDIOVISUAL GUIDE May, 1960 Volume 39, Number 5, Whole Number 385 \)T. Donald Moler is an associate Kifc'ssor of education and is director 1 the guidance training program at astern Illinois. James Lister is an ssistant in the audiovisual center and studying toward a doctorate in iiiilance at the University of Illinois. Pearl C. Snively is a studio teacher I the Washington County (Md.) closed Circuit Educational Television roject. She has a master's degree in ducation from University of Maryuid and studied dramatics and radio t Peabody Conservatory of Music nd other schools. Melvin C. Carpenter is in his 24th t ir as district superintendent of .)ls in South Kortright, N. Y. He .^ a bachelor's and master's degree ■om the State University Teacher's ■ illcge at Albany. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AVGUIDE EDITORIAL STAFF AUl C. REED, Editor. JAMES R. CUMMINGS, Mansing Editor. WILLIAM S. HOCKMAN, Editor for tKe hurch Field. I. C. LARSON and CAROLYN GUSS, dilori for Film Evoluotioni. MAX U. BILDERSEE, ditor for the Audio Field. IRENE F. CYPHER, editor >r llie New Filmstrips. PHILLIP LEWIS, Technical ditoi. WILLIAM F. KiiUSE, Trade and Public Reilioni, IRENE THORSON, Editorial Asiistant. BUSINESS STAFF S. GILLETTE, Publisher. MARIE C. GREENE, VILIIAM LEWIN, Aiiociate Publishers. THEA H. OWDEN, Business Manager, OLIVE R. TRACY, irculolion Manager, PATRICK A. PHILIPPI, Qrcu3tion Promotion. WILMA WIDOICOMBE, Adverting Production Manager. Advertising Representatives VILLIAM IFWIN, 10 Brainerd Road, Summit, N. J. (Crestview 3-3042) VIlllAM F. KRUSE, 3000 Lincoln Park West Bids., Chicago 14, III. (Bittersweet 8-53131 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD AMES W. BROWN, School of Education, San Jote State College, California DGAR DALE, Head, Curriculum Division, Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University. Columbus .MO DE BERNARDIS, Assistant Superintendent, Portland, Oregon, Public Schools AARGARET W. DIVIZIA, Supervisor in Charge, Audio-Visual Education Section, Los Angeles City Schools, Los Angeles, California V. H. DURR, Supervisor, Bureau of Teaching Moterials. Stole Board of Education, Richmond, Virginia :hARLES F. HOBAN, institute for Cooperative Research, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia :M!LY S. JONES, Executive Secretary, Educational Film Library Association, New York City '. EDGAR LANE, supervisor. Instructional Materials Department, Board of Public Instruction, Dade County, Florida DEAN McCLUSKY, Professor of Educotion, Head of Audio-Visual Education, University Extension, University of California at Los Angeles lEERLEY REID. U. S. Office of Education, National Defense Educotion Act, Washington :HARLES F. SCHULLER, Director, Audio-Visual Center, Michigan Stole College, East loosing, Michigan ERNEST TIEMANN, Director, Visual Instruction Bureau, Associate Professor, Division of Extension, The University of Texas, Austin JON WHITE, Executive Vice President, National t Audio-Visual Association, Folrfox, Virginia D EDITORIAL 218 Cliche Blocks to Progress ARTICLES 220 Verne Stockman, Donald AV Materials in Guidance Moler, James Lister 224 Tapes in Multiple Classes Melvin C. Carpenter 226 Tape Recorded Teaching Fearl C. Snively 229 Planning an AV Conference? DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES 211 With the Authors 214 News 216 Letters 216 Calendar 230 Filmstrips Irene Cypher 232 AV in the Church Field William S. Hockman 237 Film Evaluations L. C. Larson, Carolyn Guss 240 Audio Max U. Bildersee 244 Trade Directory for the AV Field 245 New Equipment and Materials 256 Helpful Books 257 Trade News 258 Directory of Sources 259 Index to Advertisers -»i" CATIONAL I ATION o OF MERICA Foundad In 1923 by Nalton L. Gr««iw BUSINESS & EDITORIAL ADDRESS: EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AUDIO-VISUAL GUIDE, 2000 Lincoln Park West Bldg., Chicago 14, Illinois. Contents indexed in the Wilson Educational Index. For microfilm volumes, write University Microfilms, Ann ArhoT, Michigan. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (U. S. currency or equivalent): Domestic — $4 one year, $6.50 two years, $8 three years. Canadian and PanAmerican — 50 cents extra per year. Other foreign — $1 extra per year. Single copy — 45 cents. Special August Blue Book issue— -$1.00. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be sent Immediately to insure uninterrupted delivery of your magazine. Allow five weeks for change to become effective. Sducational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — Mat, 1960 EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AUDIO-VISUAL GinDE is published monthly by Educatlaaal Screen. Inc. Publication office. LouJ*tU1«, Kentucky. Business and Editorial Office, JOOO Lincoln Park West Building, Chicago 14, Illinois. Printed in the U. S. A. Bantered •■ second-class matter November, 19S9, at tha post office at Louisville, Kentucky, under tha Act of March 3, 1879. ADDRESS ALL MAIL (Subscriptions. Cbanc* of Address, Forms 3579) to: JOOO Lincoln P«A West Bldg., Chicago 14, Illinois. Second-ctaee postage paid at Louisville, Kentucky. ENTIRE ISSUE COPYRIGHT 194W BT THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, INC. 211