Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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SCIENCE: General ;>>> Scientist (series) 5fs LONG col a $23.50 indiv $5. Child cartoon iliaracters, captioned. Titles: Bob Builds a Telescope; Bob's Rocket; Bob Visits the Moon; Bob's Micros<ope; Bob Visits an Atom. El (3-5) For more information circle No. 169 on return postal card. lectricity: How to Make a Circuit mp BF llmin col $120 b&w $60. Three : imary grade students set up a legraph between their house and a ee house in the yard. Emphasizes <es and principles of the dry cell. 11 Elem For more information circle No, 170 on return postal card. I lie Ever-Changing Earth 6fs SVE col it $32.40 indiv $6. Titles: Work of Kunnlng Water; Work of Wind; Work of Ground Water; Work of the Sea; Work of Snow and Ice; Work of Internal Forces. Text, vocabulary and luestion frames. Captions. Int JH For more information circle No. 171 on return postal card. rhe Inquisitive Giant mp CONTEMPORARY 28min b&w $125 r$7.50. The workings of the giant radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, England, on basis of analysis of radio waves from outer space. SH C For more information clreie No. 173 on return postal card. "FIBCRBILT" CASES "THEY LAST INDEFINITELY" Equipped with steel corners, steel card holder and heavy web straps. Only original Fiberbilt Cases bear this Trade Mark Your Assurance of "Finest Qualify" For 16nim Film — 400' to 2000' Keels Sold by All Leading Dealers Journey Into Spring mp CONTEMPORARY 30min col $250 r$10. Animal, pond and plant life on the English countryside at springtime. JH For more information circle No. 173 on return postal card. Life Long Ago 6fs SVE col set $32.40 indiv $6. Titles: Up Through the Coal Age; When Reptiles Ruled the Earth; Mammals Inherit the World; How We Know about Life Long Ago: Hunting Fossils; Stories that Fossils Tell. Correlate with Row-Peterson Basic Science readers. Int JH For more information circle No. 174 on return postal card. Nature Stories for Primary Science 6fs LONG col. Titles: Annie the Ant; Sammy Squirrel; Lano the Fish; Betty Butterfly; Freddie Frog; Chippy Chipmunk. Pri. For more information circle No. 175 on return postal card. The Onion mp IFB llmln b&w $50 r$2.50. Life cycle shown in time lapse WLiNG Pictures SCIENCE FILMS (IN COLOR) For Elementary Through High School Grades — SALE ONLY — Write for List of New Releases and Study Guides and Previews 10S6 So. Robertson Blvd., Loi Angeles 35, Calif. Entirely Automatic NO DARK ROOM...NO TRAYS... Simply spell out your copy on the dial and your HEADLINER will deliver a smudge-proof, micro-sharp print in any style or size ... as large as 84 pt. Use it for signs, tags, or paste-up layouts for printing and duplicating. Makes ■^'ints on paper or film, Requires no training. Your office girl can operate it. TypeMasters are instantly changeable and never wear out. HEADINGS DISPLAYS VISUALS CHARTS CUTTING COSTS IS OUR BUSINESS Headlines in this Ad were photo composed on the HEADLINER. . Text by VARITYPER. Educational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — May, 1960 VARITYPER CORPORATION Depf. H-52 720 Frelinghuysen Ave., Newark 12, N.J. Please send HEADLINER Book H NAME. COMPANY. ADDRESS. CITY ZONE... ST ATE •» 253